3000 Brothels for Plommer

Pucky, this news is not surprising, not one bit.

I have been aware of the illicit activity for years, the cops here do little to nothing to interfere with the sex business in this city.

Americans have a difficult time believing how openly available prostitution is here.
I honestly wasn't aware that there were that many whores in Toronto. 3000 Brothels is amazing Plommer.
I honestly wasn't aware that there were that many whores in Toronto. 3000 Brothels is amazing Plommer.
Toronto is an easy place to find a working girl, our cup runneth over with massage parlours, whorehouses, strip joints and street walkers.

There aren't as many girls working the streets here these days, most work indoors but they are available.

Vancouver blows Toronto away in terms of street walkers, Vancouver is infested with hookers.
There's that place on King W called "For Your Eyes Only", very shady-looking building. Not even sure what it is but by the look of it some awesomeness is going on inside. Plommer let's go.
There's that place on King W called "For Your Eyes Only", very shady-looking building. I wanna go.

Matty, strip joints are for American tourists that don't get to see pussy back home. Its waaaay overpriced.

Locals know that massage parlours are the best place, prices are very reasonable and you can get whatever you want.
I have a few regular massage joints where I spend less than what it would cost for a few table dances at a strip club.

Matty, when I was in Montreal I didn't see many street girls, mind you I was only checking out Rue Ontario near the McDonalds and the vicinity but I thought there would be more activity, this was back in the summer.
I think it's more than a strip joint.
You can get laid by 2 black girls in medellin matty (at the same time if you wish). For the same price as the lap dance you bought me in new orleans.
Durito, how much for a white girl? (Chica blanca)

Assuming you don't impregnate her that is.
You can get laid by 2 black girls in medellin matty (at the same time if you wish). For the same price as the lap dance you bought me in new orleans.

And then you die from all that premium $10/g cocaine.

Ima think about it.

Plommer can you find decent full service for $30?
On the street, yes.

In massage parlours, no.

Juror, you'd be surprised at some of the women I've found on the street in Toronto.

Of course there are lowly crack ho's but there are also non drug addicts that are often just women on welfare that need some $$$.

I've had many very good experiences with most of these types of hookups.
Plommer, how much have you spent on hookers in your lifetime?