Random thoughts

I'm actually going to change my screen name in a bit just in case anyone in the professional community decides to look into things, lol. You can't have people know you think shit like that in the office.

Oh that guy? Yeah, I know him from Gamelive. He's a total sleezebag.


But I like to make people laugh, so....

In fact, gotta work on even thinking stuff like that. That's fucked up when you're coming through for people that have done so much for you.

Talk to you later guys, thanks for all.

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Wait. He came for your cats?
He threatened to multiple times, not that I was ever seriously worried though. Even if on the slim chance his craziness brought him to Detroit to come across the river and find me he would be refused entry to Canada due to the DUI's and other criminal stuff. Stevie is a bit of a blowhard, in case you didn't notice, pal. I think he has kept the lid on the crazy pot for quite a while now and I suspect it may blow off in the near future.
Oh shit one more thing
Ty for mentioning the typo, Archie.

The guitar I bought is unplayable, so I bought this:


Hopefully that's better.

Canceling order now :lmao:

Thanks man.

Yo Matty find me a playable guitar that they can bring to me.

I don't have a car man.

That would have really pissed me off when it showed up.

I love you bruh
I looked at Amazon earlier and there wasn't anything good.

Does it have to be Amazon?

Are there any pawn shops near you? Nothing is going to beat a used Yamaha in the $0-150 range. I picked one up for my sister in law last year, for 25 bucks. It's a tremendous instrument. Just make sure the action is ok and the bridge isn't cracked or coming unglued.
It's hard for me to beliebe that unforgettable melody is a factor of unbelievable skill more than it is repetition /marketing /other happenstance.
we just aren’t going to ageee on this so
let’s just save ourselves the 10 or 20 minutes and move on.
we need this recorded, with updated technology

My impression is that it's not just about talent and skill. There are literally millions of talented singers/ musicians. Nobody's running out to sign 40+ year old rock n roll stars who haven't previously done anything. You can literally write the next Stairway To Heaven, nobody will give a fuck.
good mourning kato
good mourning reno. one love.
Hadn't thought about Ain't Lyin' in awhile. I just gave a listen to the "finalized" version. So amateurish - so much echo - so many things I would do differently - there is probably more charm to the unplugged version - but I gotta say, the vocals are pretty damn good. Not an inch of autotune in there, I'll have you know.

And, as far as current topics, the old Yamaha sounds alright!