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No one likes you here as well Plommer

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max headroom

Feb 22, 2018
I don't expect to see you even looking at the forum until she is paid in full WITH 20% interest. That negotiation is no longer between the two of you and you're gonna do it by 7.1.2018 cause I know you're a fucking loser and your life sucks or your pretend but that's not at all a poker game you are a fucking PATHETIC DOUCHE.

Friends in Saskatch.

I think I can do that. And.

Everyone loves Steves.

And Steves does like to multitask.

Steves hopes Plommer thinks he's playing.
Is Steve's playing?

Plommer chime in. Everyone loves you here, you fucking pathetic piece of shit.

Am I playing?

Hope your computers are alright.

I know who paid for them. The people that you have ripped off in the gambling community.

Plommer, what can you do about that? Ride around on your fat ass around on a bicycle again and say more dumb shit?

Kid you a clown and I'm interested.

You don't want me interested. Or maybe you do.

Which would be funny as well. I can pay off the popo quickly as well bitch.

Pay her.

I gave you MORE THAN enough time.
Won't ask again. We will head up if that's the case.

Got a very talented crew for that, not sure where anyone is from including myself.

I can look away.

Plommer, we won't meet face to face. But (butt in your case I do mean fat, disgusting fatass) you WILL pay.

And we will all laugh at what you had to say as you paid.

I don't want it that way.

I don't think you do either.
Because if you do decide do make it the wrong way ya know what?

I don't think you should be able to enjoy a place to stay either because of how many people that you have ripped off in this belles cummunity, you fat piece of fucking shit.

And so I will get you thrown on the street with nothing.

So pay her.

And it's ok.

Last warning.

Blitty let him know. I'm not playing. I have boys for all of it.

He does the right thing and it's ok.
I'm sorry is IAG paid up yet, Plommer? Where you hidin at kid.

We got people for that.

Nice try bitch. Tits.

Just look at them flopping.

That's you.


And I don;t know him. I don;t I got MUCH better people.

Plom. Pay.

Or we head up.

It's not a joke.
Plommer we are not playing. You have 22 seconds.

I knwwyou were a joke all along.

or 7.1.

Then I pay people.


I would love to see his respond right now.

Probabably playing woth his tits.

Love you Breadly

Gotta Beadly myself sometimes, have some other tings going on.
