The Biting People Thread

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Jan 28, 2010
Who was the last person your bit?

Where did you bite them and why?
Point Pleasant Beach, 1998. We were down 15-14 in the semifinals of a beach volleyball tournament and I went up for a spike, I could tell he was going to have me roofed so I grabbed one of his arms and bit, I then hit threw where he had that arm. We won that game and the finals to take down the tournament. He tried to make a big deal out of it and I just acted like he was whacked out, everyone bought it. We saw eachother at Martell's later that night and he tried to start with me so I bit him again and he stepped off.
Bacon, because he was hungover and I was fucking him.
JL, after warning him that I would eat his cheek. 'Cause he tried to eat my nose.

My left nipple is currently injured.
I have definitely given love bites to my boys on their chubby arms and legs.
I never bit anyone that I can recall

when I was 6-7 my friend Danielle from up the street, bit a chunk out of my shoulder on the porch of my treehouse

she had good a good reason.

the day before she brought two fun sized candy bars to my house and said to put them in the freezer. one for me one for her. She forgot about them and I ate them both that evening.

the next day as we were playing in the tree house, she recalled the candy bars in joy. I told her I ate them both and she bit me in rage.

we didn't play for a good two weeks after that
cami's love bites are legendary

i think archie just won the thread with "we didn't play for a good two weeks after that"
The last person I bit was last year.

It's someone we all know.
Top 5 biters all time per Wikipedia:

1) Dracula
2) Luis Suarez
3) Cookie Monster
4) Mike Tyson
5) Bugs Bunny
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I like to bite hunks off Evander Holyfield's ear. In fact I am biting a hunk off Evander Holyfield's ear RIGHT NOW.
Top 5 biters all time per Wikipedia:

1) Dracula
2) Luis Suarez
3) Cookie Monster
4) Mike Tyson

Did someone take a bite out of the bottom of the page because #5 is missing.
Bout 5 years ago I got into a fight...took a guy down but he had my hands tied up and I couldn't get off any I bit his face...I didn't think about it...I just did it...when I got off him because of the police sirens people were looking at me and I had blood all over my mouth....they gave me the weirdest looks I ever saw.

And they called me an animal.
I was walking away and he went running by...he tripped.. so I ran up and choked him I am running away....looking back he wasn't moving...I thought I might have killed him but I didn't....heard he had to keep facial hair for a while cuz he had a scar on his face when I bit him.
How on Earth is Suarez ahead of Tyson?