I need to pass a test

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i'm better off staying clean, even though my schedule is nothing but parties now through xmas. if i don't get the job i will be pissed.

But it will be yoru own fault. Just stop doing drugs. Problem solved. Plus you will finally become a happier person.
This thread is turning condescending.
ignore them Cali rock out w your kawk out

the right employer will respect the true you for who you are
agree with bacon

and bacon is a high-functioning gameliver
Not trying to be mean. just sound advice.
Puck off is right. But maybe easier said than done.

I have never tried cocaine. I was always scared I would probably like it too much.
It was never my intention to hurt anyone's feelings.
It was never my intention to hurt anyone's feelings.
I think Freefall was being facetious, but I could be wrong. You didn't say anything that quite a few didn't say.
FF was kidding.

Pucky you're still a dick.
Yeah what an asshat. Also the Reim Minister sucks a fat one, dick.
Houser, you're new here, a little heads up for you pal.

At gamelive we don't refer to vagina's as "cooter's" or "hoo haws".

We use the correct terminology, ie cunt or snatch.

cunt is preferred.

BadNina can confirm.

We actually really love the word Trim
FF was kidding.

Pucky you're still a dick.

I'm sorry you feel this way, mon ami. Despite the fact that you think I'm a dick, will you still answer any camera questions I may have?
Yeah what an asshat. Also the Reim Minister sucks a fat one, dick.

That's not nice times two, brother bacon. I didn't do you any troubles!!!
I'm sorry you feel this way, mon ami. Despite the fact that you think I'm a dick, will you still answer any camera questions I may have?

I'm waiting.
You might as well put on your resume that you have a PhD from Harvard if you don't think trying to trick your future employer you are not doing drugs when you actually do is deceiving. I guess it's more of an ethics issue to me. Not sure what this position you are applying is but why is it important for them to test you for drugs? They never test for drugs at my place of work. I suppose no one wants their building designed by someone who parties all night snorting coke. It could be a problem if the high rise collapses because the engineer likes to snort coke before going to work.