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BGS 9.5

Basement Dweller
Jan 31, 2010
Fok, what a crazy last few weeks....

A little history for those that may actually care.....

June 17th I went to a concert in Tampa. Lots of drinking of course, but nothing out of the ordinary. Coming home, we stopped at a carry out for some beer. I was in the backseat of a convertible, with a real heavyweight in the front seat. Instead of waiting for him to get out of the cramped quarters that was the front seat, I decided to "hop out" of the back seat, as the top was down. In doing so, I got my foot hung up on something in the back seat (the funny guys said I tripped over my own hair, but that is because they are simpleton guys), and I proceeded to topple over elbow-first onto the less-than-receptive concrete. Fok that hurt. Nevertheless, I made it in, got my beer, and we went on our way back to the hotel.

Strangely enough, I made it through the night without incident. Went home the next day in pain, but managebale. For the next 7-8 days, I did nothing but ice it and take ibuprofin; swelling went down, black and blue faded to yellow, etc. A day before I was scheduled to fly to Toledo (June 30), shit started hurting a lot. I went to the Centra Care around the corner, thnking it was an easy fix - no biggie right? Wrong....

X-rays show a compound fracture of the elbow, with a smaller fracture of the ulna (forearm). Now I am worried. Make my way to the orthpedic surgeon to make arrangements to get it fixed after coming back from vacation. Sling and a cast. Vacation goes without incident (bumped to 1st class both ways), met with the actual surgeon when I got home, and went under the knife last Tuesday. My folks, bless their hearts, were here for like 9 days, and fixed every fucking thing that was semi-remotely wrong in my house. They left today.

All of the medics I have seen were completely stupified why I didn't get this taken care of sooner than I did - not so much as the break would heal incorrectly (it was too broken to even begin to heal) and they would have to rebreak it, but they were simply mystified at my pain tolerance. Sure the thing hurt like fuck, but I have never in my 42 years broken a major bone. Here is the rub - my health insurance prior to becoming self-employed ran out January 1, and my new insurance of course doesn't start until August 1st - I am certainly no bone-breaking timing pro, in fact less than semi-pro....All of the medical parties had to be paid up front (surgeons bill was the only one discounted)...

So here I am, all casted up trying to deal/heal. Haven't been online or facebook much, but I am kinda back into the "sling of things"

I saw a few threads while convalesing, really, 50 pages of Blitty hate??? Common

Moral of the story - don't go to concerts.


bad deal there man
I'm going to a concert Saturday night.. gonna see if I can top your troubles:casper:

and I still owe hospital a good chunk from a surgery 4 yrs ago:selfbash:
what's the rehab gonna look like?
bad deal there man
I'm going to a concert Saturday night.. gonna see if I can top your troubles:casper:

and I still owe hospital a good chunk from a surgery 4 yrs ago:selfbash:

Senco, don't trip over your own hair for fucksakes.....
Glad you are alive. I was getting worried.

Some of these drinking nights cost more than others. Ugh.

Happy healing, SIR! :cheers:
gotta be pretty damn miserable beating off left handed all the time...:yes:
dang...I didn't inherit.

I mean, glad you are doing better!!!
dang...I didn't inherit.

I mean, glad you are doing better!!!

You inheirited something better - more HAIR!!!!11!!!

My arm hurts
Welcome back BGS.

That was too much to read by the way. Bet there was a bunch of sympathy inducing over-sharing going on too.

Serious, glad you're back and hope things workout soon.
That was too much to read by the way. Bet there was a bunch of sympathy inducing over-sharing going on too.

Wally, I am pretty sure that was my longest post here by far, and I am pretty sure I read your sarcasm correctly brother!

Long road here to tow, glad to at least for the most part to have this unfortunate incident behind me.

BTW, great work on the Durito challenge, you should be proud of what you have accomplished so far with that, 99% would have chukked it after a month or so....

Serious, glad you're back and hope things workout soon.[/QUOTE]
Glad someone get's me and my sarcasm BGS.

That Challenge was definitely a headache and baseball has me hating life but I have enjoyed the ride.
Glad someone get's me and my sarcasm BGS.

That Challenge was definitely a headache and baseball has me hating life but I have enjoyed the ride.

I have been rooting it all the way Wally!
The longest bgs post ever

I have never broken a bone either
Moral of the story:

Long hair is -EV

keep it positive
