Who are your most feared posters?

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Semi off topic. Look at this Rogie. New film on Raul Sexias coming out 4.21.11.


Damn RJ, this looks like quite a story to be told. I have to admit it's not precisely my type of music, but the guy's skill is undeniable and it looks like his life was a tragic search for meaning that never really came. Between this and Carlos: The Miniseries (about The Jackal) we've really been treated to some exquisite Latin American biopics lately.
Arch, do you think you will masturbate more or less once you are married?
Everyone I've dealt with here is courteous, respectful, and well behaved. I see no reason for it not to continue.

wait about 6 months, and your days will be like this....

what passes for a social structure in Western countries is nothing more than a cover for a system bent on exploitation and subjugation. Nonetheless, I can't help but try to point out the ugliness to anyone willing to listen, in the hopes that eventually we can live in a world that reflects the promise of humanity and not the seedy underbelly.

:yes: good point

Never been a fan of cops, but the attacks are unfair. They're tools and victims of the system themselves as most everybody else is.
Easy answer, Scholar.

It's called discretion. You absolutely, positively do not need to arrest someone.

You can toss a joint down the drain, pretend you don't see someone who is trespassing etc. The list goes on and on and on.

And discretion leads to corruption. Why should any cop think his/her enforcement of the written law is to be imposed by their own personal preferences? It's exactly that mentality that leads to cops thinking that they make the rules and are above the law themselves.
:yes: good point

Never been a fan of cops, but the attacks are unfair. They're tools and victims of the system themselves as most everybody else is.

They choose their line of work and actively enforce the system you despise, Reno. There's a pretty significant difference between their involvement in the system and your standard blue collar Joe. Cops are the ultimate pawns.
We'll i'm glad for the pawns, even if too many of them are corrupt.

they are necessary and many, especially around here, risk their lives.

I wouldn't do it myself. Not because of the many reasons listed here. But I couldn't.

The view is great from the cheap seats for some though
We'll i'm glad for the pawns, even if too many of them are corrupt.

they are necessary and many, especially around here, risk their lives.

I wouldn't do it myself. Not because of the many reasons listed here. But I couldn't.

The view is great from the cheap seats for some though

those that hate cops are the first to call them when something goes down....
or brought up with the thug mentality,
theres good and bad in every aspect of life/careers.

wasnt RS studying to become a priest??? whats your views of clergymen RS?

on a side note, the small city I live in had its 1st murder in 30 something yrs 2 days ago. cops here dont do much but patrol and deal with minor offenses. while the city next to us ( 8 miles down the road ) has shootings/murders/robbery every week.
has nothing to do with the demographics of the 2 neighboring cities:daft:
those that hate cops are the first to call them when something goes down....
or brought up with the thug mentality,
theres good and bad in every aspect of life/careers.

wasnt RS studying to become a priest??? whats your views of clergymen RS?

on a side note, the small city I live in had its 1st murder in 30 something yrs 2 days ago. cops here dont do much but patrol and deal with minor offenses. while the city next to us ( 8 miles down the road ) has shootings/murders/robbery every week.
has nothing to do with the demographics of the 2 neighboring cities:daft:

You should see some of the corruption that goes on in Las Vegas. Guess how many police shootings of unarmed citizens are called justified? All of them.

I have never once called the police. Not once.
I've had bad and good experiences with police personally. and alot of second hand stories of really bad experiences that friends here have had.

Basically in environments like mine. Police are another gang. They have alot of power, they got the trump card in being able to lock people up by bascially making stuff up.

they can shoot unarmed people and get away with it, they can beat on people in hand cuffs, they can tase old ladies, they can steal drugs, money... they can take blackmail ect.

I know alot of police in my 1011 beat quite well. Many are just regular guys, some are assholes. (I used to get pulled over all the time for being white and driving or walking near my house)

I know many gang members in my area, many are real nice guys. I've played basketball with alot of them.

I'd still rather see all the gangs vanish, except the gang with the badges.
"Of about 200 Clark County coroner's inquests in officer-involved killings since 1976," Phil Smith dryly notes in the Drug War Chronicle, "only one has resulted in a finding of criminal negligence. Whether that near-perfect percentage of acquittals results from exceptionally good police work in Las Vegas, or an inadequate process and institution, depends on who one asks."


There's a homeless guy that washes windows on one of the street corners here. Sometimes, I'll buy him a meal. He was telling me about a cop here that every so often shakes him down for the money he made that day and threatens that he'll take him to jail if he doesn't give him his money. It's just unreal.

There's a homeless guy that washes windows on one of the street corners here. Sometimes, I'll buy him a meal. He was telling me about a cop here that every so often shakes him down for the money he made that day and threatens that he'll take him to jail if he doesn't give him his money. It's just unreal.

It would be a lovely conclusion to this thread if that when you and Daft do eventually meet up in Vegas, instead of bashing each other over e-feuds, you decide to go to your homeless friend, find out who the piece of shit cop is and go after him. That's somebody worth beating the piss out of, no question.

Not likely but it'd be lovely nonetheless.

What a fucking dog.
not saying theres not corruption, theres corruption in just about every "power figure" career.
personally dont have a problem with cops in general. ( and yea I've dealt with some dickheads )... been locked up just for walking out of a bar with a drink. cop was a dick, I was a dick back
he won.
but also had charges that were reduced due to a non-dickhead cop.
IMO its a necessary evil... some are assholes that abuse the power and some not
I know a homeless guy that talks about how George Bush and now Obama has been trying to kill him for many years.

Fuk George Bush. Fuk Obama. Kill ALL Presidents

another one, Aliens did surgery on his brain. to steal his thoughts.

Almost every single one of the old folks in the home going senile believe that all the employees are stealing from them as well.

He's a stupid window washer. He has no concept of reality. And who cares if he's telling the truth?

He's keeping one corrupt cop busy while I'm out doing my thing. Thanks!
Almost every single one of the old folks in the home going senile believe that all the employees are stealing from them as well.

He's a stupid window washer. He has no concept of reality. And who cares if he's telling the truth?

He's keeping one corrupt cop busy while I'm out doing my thing. Thanks!
