What's Crackin GL......

BGS 9.5

Basement Dweller
Jan 31, 2010
Been out of circulation this week, the 1st real week of tax season has hit me really, really hard; been burning the candle at both ends. How you guys doin? Any interesting forum troubles going on?

BGS!!!!! there you are

been a calm week.

Vegas Dave just made a brief reappearance.

some small casper vs roguescholar scuttlings.

Fischy might meet monkeyfocker in vegas in a few hrs.

Stevek is still always closing, and winning lots of RBS poker

blitty, is being seduced by a chick that is in the hospital recovering from a stroke

retard porn is still hot

roguejuror gave a state of the forum speech and said things are going well

sov is picking soccer winners

Wal is abusing drugs and non-coincidentally he is in a big losing rut in his durito 500 I think it is because he is depressed from blackie firing him from his blogging job

MMike is getting a divorce

mcbaseball is flying to ohio for a drunken gambling family super bowl tradition

Fiver is in the honeymoon stage with shrooms and might party with Matty at Matty's co-workers.

Dafty is trying to drum up some late night posting action, but we are old early to bed farts here.

haven't heard much from acid joe, I'm a bit worried.

Bread had a birthday, he is now 57.

Oksana, doesn't use an applicator, she is okay with getting her juices on her fingers

tully had a sweet over-night shoveling gig

Plommer is on the creditwagering page

tsoprano stopped by, he takes 1 million dollars in a month in gambling volume

still no sign or mr. or mrs. x

otherwise things have been quiet. good luck with the tax stuff
Howdy. I believe there is a football game this weekend that some people have expressed an interest in.
mikey is getting divorce... durito is moving to bogota... fischy and casper are meeting right now in vegas... vegas dave visisted us... mcb is going back to ohio for the super bowl... gamelive became number 1 site for down syndrome porn... wally got canned from his rebateweager gig
fok archie beat me to it
tax time.. ugghhh
been getting my 1099s in the mail everyday, dreading the day I have to file
i havent paid any quarterly taxes this yr
fok you guys, I have missed alot. MMike, so sorry to hear, hang in there bro.

Stevie, congrats you silly fukk...

McBalls, I am from Ohio originally, sorry about your trip, lol...

I always liked VD, hope he posts here more. The jj imitation video years back was CLASSIC

Wally, are you getting high and drunk? I can't believe that for a second after meeting you. Although, we are going to Wally's in Orlando (the darkest of dark watering holes, hard core only)

Blitty, lol.

Archie, how is Bigal? are we still non-peoples?

Goog luck GL crew, I will be back sporatically....
Goog luck GL crew, I will be back sporatically....

I hope so. The forum needs that special something that happens when you blow into town like a Harlequin romance cover.

I hope so. The forum needs that special something that happens when you blow into town like a Harlequin romance cover.


I concur
Bg the down syndrome porn thread made moldy and kato to get gamelive banned at work
BG welcome back. Technically I'm not a junkie yet but I did take 5 mg's of Flexeril last night and got loopy but I reached my limit and am back to Tylenol now.
You do coffee Wally?
Thanks BGS. I could win something substantial tomorrow....good to hear from you mang!
I like light mayonnaise and Men At Work (the band and not the action)
BGS, we were VERY worried about you while you were gone. Good to see you back, pal. We can all breathe easy now. BGS, I'm gonna get buried at tax time I can just feel it. BGS, your a PA?