US Court rules that IP cloaking to access blocked sites violates law

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The healthcare issues in the US are confusing, how is it that US businesses can get the price of consumer goods and services to be the lowest in the world but health care is more expensive than anywhere else?

You guys enjoy far better prices on food/gas/alcohol/insurance/electronics/books/media etc etc than Canada but Canada blows away the US in health care costs including prescription drugs, how is that?
It's all a scam plom. They bill different people difference prices. Go to the ER and it's all illegal mexicans that by law they have to treat but none of whom will pay so they bill me $1,300. But, because I am self employed and can't get a decent insurance plan I get stuck paying all of it.

That and typical doctors were unable to treat my conditions. Finally found a good one, but he refuses to participate in the scam so it's all out of pocket.
It's not like these laws won't affect Canadians.

The Americans want the world to comply with their laws/regulations, Canada usually falls in line with US demands.

More countries need to tell the US gov't to go fuck itself.

Please feel free to do so! Prism take note.

It's all a scam plom. They bill different people difference prices. Go to the ER and it's all illegal mexicans that by law they have to treat but none of whom will pay so they bill me $1,300. But, because I am self employed and can't get a decent insurance plan I get stuck paying all of it.

That and typical doctors were unable to treat my conditions. Finally found a good one, but he refuses to participate in the scam so it's all out of pocket.

Faller likes these doctors a lot!
Please feel free to do so! Prism take note.

America needs protection from itself, it's biggest enemy resides inside the USA.

America, taking paranoia to another level.
I don't but I do know I get labeled as anti American for pointing out embarrassing truths about the nation.

I have not labeled you that. But it's like, we get it. I get that we have some incredibly ridiculous laws and we need to seriously mind our own business foreign policy wise etc etc but lately it seems like I can't get through one thread without reading LAND OF THE FREE LOLZ.
Sorry Daffy, I like talking about that kind of stuff.

Delicious irony.


Daffy now you have an idea of what it's like to watch the US media from outside the USA as a non American, what you're saying is the same thing I am saying to the US media, we get it, you (the USA) think you're the greatest thing that ever happened to the planet. I hear it every day, especially as a next door neighbor.
I do know I get labeled as anti American for pointing out embarrassing truths about the nation.

That's a cute little rationalization. The victimization/persecution spin. You should be writing for the American Republican Party.
so less than 1k in Canada? Its hard to believe a whole country could have such a low # in prison.

Here I feel its so easy to get in trouble. I'm constantly uneasy when driving. Fuckers pull you over for no reason. God forbid you had a drink in the last 24 hours.
so less than 1k in Canada? Its hard to believe a whole country could have such a low # in prison.

Here I feel its so easy to get in trouble. I'm constantly uneasy when driving. Fuckers pull you over for no reason. God forbid you had a drink in the last 24 hours.

I've got a friend from Rwanda who I used to hang with. He's clean-cut, got women like crazy, but stayed out of trouble. I was amazed
at the shit he got pulled over for when I rode with him. Like nothing. Just random. And cops gave me weird looks, like "What is a white boy not in a gang doing riding with him?"
It's all a scam plom. They bill different people difference prices. Go to the ER and it's all illegal mexicans that by law they have to treat but none of whom will pay so they bill me $1,300. But, because I am self employed and can't get a decent insurance plan I get stuck paying all of it.

That and typical doctors were unable to treat my conditions. Finally found a good one, but he refuses to participate in the scam so it's all out of pocket.

Yep. People will no health insurance know that if they go to the ER they have to be seen(and followed up on completely)...the care provider knows they won't ever pay and the person being treated never had any intentions to pay.
What do people do when they walk into a hospital with a broken arm or need stitches? What is the procedure? What if you have no health insurance? Do they still treat you and bill you? What if you don't pay? Does it go to a collection agency? Surely they can't refuse treatment. Do you need to present I.D.? What if you don't have any or refuse to give them I.D. or make up a fake name?

I'm really curious about all of this. I could not imagine having to fork over a Visa or Mastercard to pay for treatment like stitches or whatever.
I don't really know Pucky, this all new for me. My dad had good insurance through work when I was growing up so we didn't have these problems. They have to treat emergency conditions that's the law, regardless of ability to pay. I don't know about ID. I gave them all of our information of course, but they didn't ask for it till we were done. I was not required to pay at the time, they billed me later (first they bill your insurance, but my shit plan makes me pay the first 10k in er visits per year or something ridiculous). It's somewhat odd as when I was here for some medical treatment a few years ago and didn't have insurance (non-er though) they all required up front payment.

My guess is they send a whole lot of bills to collection. When I worked briefly in loans, the mexicans always had medical collections on their credit report.
Interesting Durito. I seriously could not imagine being turned away at either a hospital, clinic for non-er type of stuff. I don't know how doctors actually do that... turn away sick people because they can't pay. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

Durito, you need to move the family to Canada. There has to be a way to get you landed immigrant (or as the Yanks call it alien) status here. Fuck we let the terrorists in here so surely to heck you and the family would be allowed to stay.
If you go to er they will ask you a bunch of questions if you work, insurance etc... right in the middle of providing any treatment. Ask you if you have any money to pay today. But they will treat you.

A regular doctor typically wont see you without insurance. Not everybody knows how to handle cash. 90% of what goes on at the doctors office is handling billing and insurance. I called 6 or 7 places until I found an apparently sane one that would accept cash.

Paying cash I found to be much more pleasant for dr (non er) visits. Of course if its something serious you're fucked
Canada would be pretty ideal for me Pucky -- I'd actually be able to do my job properly.

Don't think my mom would like that so much, I guess I'll send her some of these bills.
If you go to er they will ask you a bunch of questions if you work, insurance etc... right in the middle of providing any treatment. Ask you if you have any money to pay today. But they will treat you.

A regular doctor typically wont see you without insurance. Not everybody knows how to handle cash. 90% of what goes on at the doctors office is handling billing and insurance. I called 6 or 7 places until I found an apparently sane one that would accept cash.

Paying cash I found to be much more pleasant for dr (non er) visits. Of course if its something serious you're fucked

Yea when I was here 2 years ago the whole cash thing was completely unheard of to these people, they couldn't figure it out. Then they put me on some list and charities started calling me asking if I needed assistance with my bills (which of course were paid up front -- with $100 bills fresh from the bookie).

Current doc is all cash upfront. No insurance. $360 an hour but he bills to the minute so it's not that bad if you go for 15 minutes. It's a great office, but it's all costing me a fortune with all the tests, etc.
doesn't sound too bad Durito, relatively speaking. Is this the guy thats in Boulder?

I paid $90 for office visit and $60 for blood tests. 2nd time I went they forgot to charge for blood test.
If I had insurance I still would have a co pay and wait for approval for tests over a few measly bucks. fok that.
Yea boulder, yesterday they gave me acupuncture. Feeling pretty good.

Accidentally had them send one lab test to my insurance, oh my god, I get 5 form letters a week that don't make any sense asking me to explain the test. I'm gonna look into what it would cost to just get insurance for my wife and daughter, I assume I am the reason my options suck.