Tron MLB 2024

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Wait, the Angels are playing Cleveland, not the Dodgers.

And I'm actually on the Angels first 5 myself.


Andy Pages (pronounced Pa-jes) just went BING BONG

4-1 Doyers
Two things I like about that game:

-Bryce Elders 12 innings this year have been a mirage. His xFIP is 3x higher than that shiny ERA he's sporting
Bryce Elder: exposed FRAUD
Elder projects to 0.8 WAR for the season. Not good for a starter. Glasnow is at 4.1 which is 3rd highest in all of MLB.
Dodgers -180
Gonna go ahead and jinx this one and declare it a BING BONG.


Nice layoff on the Angels, Tronner. I need very few signals on the Angels to lay off. I'd rather take a position on the White Sox or Marlins than the Angels. They are a dog shit team.
Gonna go ahead and jinx this one and declare it a BING BONG.


Nice layoff on the Angels, Tronner. I need very few signals on the Angels to lay off. I'd rather take a position on the White Sox or Marlins than the Angels. They are a dog shit team.
White Sox offense has been respectable since the Pham signing. Cardinals are underwhelming as usual.
I've noticed that ChiSox have been producing quite well. I'm surprised that I haven't been on them much.
I've noticed that ChiSox have been producing quite well. I'm surprised that I haven't been on them much.
You only want them with Pham in the lineup, until he tanks. Wouldn’t surprise me if they flip him at the deadline.
Crazy scores recently .. WOW !!
Angels are again unfortunately pinging
I'm not sure why Sandoval's projected WAR is so high (2.2), he's been atrocious so far. It's the main reason I'm on them.
Do not like current texture of line movement (+117)
Not sure what this closed at. I got busy and never checked in on it again. I see Angels are crushing it dang.