Teaching sucks

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Tomato, why refer to yourself in the third person?

You can do it. Be creative. Figure something out. If you're not happy, make some moves. Be selfish for a change.

Narcissistic personality disorder.
Tomato, what's it like being a PAWN and working for THE MACHINE?

kid got sent to the office today, at a very bad time...

had mlb.tv showing the dodgers game on my laptop, and I was BIG on LAD, like 32 bucks

well Colorado just kept scoring runs, it went from 10-1 to 10-4 or so then this kid comes in, and he's new and just testing limits with his young teacher. I'm reading the infraction report he had with him and during that. the LAD pitcher hits a batter with the bases loaded 10-5

this poor kid already got himself 1 week of detention lunch.

then while im having him tell his version of the story, another run scores.... 10-6

then while i'm giving him his punishment and instructions he starts to argue and talk over AND CarGO hits a 2 run single...

I flipped my chair over and yelled for 30 seconds then called the secretary to connect with his mom's contact info.

turn's out its grandma who is the legal gaurdian, this 7th grade boy starts crying. I know he is about to get abused when he gets home when I get through with the call.

some Rockie grounded out to end the inning luckily and I just told Grandma that he would he was sent to the office and wanted to make sure the contact info was correct. and let him off easy.

next time he'll know to ask for Wally Bubbles right away and bring me a happy meal
Tomato had a 5 hour meeting after school today. Unpaid.

Made $2k betting champions league during prep period.
Archie you ever saw that movie No Country For Old Men? Remember when the guy says: I got here same way as the coin. (or something to that effect) thats what your post reminded me of.
I hated watching that movie but appreciate it more in hindsight.
top 10 movie of all time for me

javier bardem best villain of all time maybe 2nd only to ledger