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Someone tell me about Clint

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Clint doesn't really get batted around much in the big picture. He has been around for years I think. He just pops in once in awhile. He often makes very obvious, cliche gestures of non-homosexuality. such as saying he likes breasts or he would like to have sex with Rubyn.

He talks boldly to/about women on the internet. He is that guy.

I'm sure he does a bit more than just that. I expect he calls people gay sometimes and maybe even expresses a sports preference - but the liking breasts thing is his main characteristic in my mind. I hope that doesn't sound like an insult. He's just really not around a ton and is not widely participative when he's here.

He generally draws a lot of shrugs although a few weeks ago he started a thread asking who owns the forum. That was a departure from his usual fare and it sustained for awhile and generated a few chuckles both from him and some of the assembled gamelive jokesters. Then there was another tongue-in-cheek thread asking why RJ hates him. A fun departure, it seemed to me.

So his presence has been up lately.
Muddy...I like you a lot....but I am way too drunk to read that much at once....but I will take special care in reading it tomorrow...

I am a social butterfly...I love being around and interacting with people.

Clint....he was cool...he used to shoot the shit with us....lately he's been a dick...I think...not really interacting with the group...questioning the owner....and who knows why....

I have the hiccups...and I am trying to eat....it's really quite inconvenient.....wtf?!

Tell me more about you IAG...aside from what I already know!!! (I like learning things about people)
Clint doesn't really get batted around much in the big picture. He has been around for years I think. He just pops in once in awhile. He often makes very obvious, cliche gestures of non-homosexuality. such as saying he likes breasts or he would like to have sex with Rubyn.

He talks boldly to/about women on the internet. He is that guy.

I'm sure he does a bit more than just that. I expect he calls people gay sometimes and maybe even expresses a sports preference - but the liking breasts thing is his main characteristic in my mind. I hope that doesn't sound like an insult. He's just really not around a ton and is not widely participative when he's here.

He generally draws a lot of shrugs although a few weeks ago he started a thread asking who owns the forum. That was a departure from his usual fare and it sustained for awhile and generated a few chuckles both from him and some of the assembled gamelive jokesters. Then there was another tongue-in-cheek thread asking why RJ hates him. A fun departure, it seemed to me.

So his presence has been up lately.
I think that the increased presence in some odd threads I saw was the reason I was curious. A very thorough profile....thank you MC...I give you an A.
hmmm....are you straight or bi? straight...although at times I have searched the recesses of my mind to see if I could do the bi/lesbian thing...nope, like dick.
I know about your job...and your mommy...

Do you like the show dexter? never seen it. Don't know anything about it. Should I?

Do you like to paint or draw or anything? I am the most unartistic person ever...truly. Although I do like to play Draw Something if you or anyone else does.

Do you like to read....what do you read? I used to read a lot. In recent years however my attention span seems to limit me to magazines and internet articles. I don't even remember the last book I read. I remember reading Sarah Palin's autobiography...that may have been the last one actually.

What is your favorite color? Black...but isn't that the absence of color? I'll go with green.

That's all for now....I have to pee.

I wonder if Clint plays draw something. Sorry. I answered within your quote it looks like...I guess you will see my answers though. I'm jealous you are drunk btw.
Sorry Cami. I answered your questions in the quote above....should have done it differently..hindsight....Draw Something is an app game ...it's like Pictionary sort of...I play on my Ipad/phone....it's fun...you don't really play against a person but rather with a person. You are given 3 words to choose from..you draw one and the other person has to guess what it is...
Sorry Cami. I answered your questions in the quote above....should have done it differently..hindsight....Draw Something is an app game ...it's like Pictionary sort of...I play on my Ipad/phone....it's fun...you don't really play against a person but rather with a person. You are given 3 words to choose from..you draw one and the other person has to guess what it is...

lmao, I totally just realized this...white is the absence of color...black is all of the colors, pending who you ask. but that's my take on it.

I added that game to my phone...can we play together?

Yes you should totally see Dexter!

What shows do you watch?

The last book I tried to read was Next....I'm only half way through it and I've had it for years...it either gets boring, or I just don't have the time to finish it....which is frustrating.