so i'm officially single.

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Feb 13, 2011
I was dating this guy for a long time. We were never officially boyfriend-girlfriend. I jokingly referred to him as "the man i'm exclusively dating". However I wasn't very good at the exclusive part. But basically I dated this man for a year and we never made a firm commitment because he said he couldn't do the relationship thing, he put every other aspect of his life first, and is a bad boyfriend. This man is 45 years old, divorced, with a preteen daughter. anyway I said ok, so be it, and went out with him anyway. the sex was the best of my life. the connection we had together was unlike any other. we got a long so amazingly well. we acted like a real couple all the time. I met his friends, he met mine. but basically we just hang out one on one. mostly b/c both our friends are in nyc and we both live in NJ. I've never met his daughter, he keeps that life and his life with me totally separate. though i know all about her, he talks about her and all. We party pretty hard together. do a lot of blow, not all the time, but often. but we like it, it's fun we hang out and have a good time. other times we stay sober and have just as much fun. so whatever that means. anyway he travels all the fucking time for work, and i'll go 1 to 2 weeks with out seeing him. but usually i see him every other weekend, when he doesn't have his daughter. anyway, last time i saw him was June 5th. He was out of town, then he had his kid an entire week b/c her mom went on a vaca with her boyfriend. then my mom was in town. this two week period i barely even communicated with him. i initiated a few texts. but nothing. he called me on my bday to say happy day, but that was it. so then i texted him on friday and said i was frustrated by not getting to see him. and he responded saying not to worry it would only be a couple more day's. then i texted him today and said "so we're hanging out tomorrow, yes?" and he wrote back saying something came up with work and he has work dinners all week and how's friday. OK, i know this is bullshit b/c he would have had to have known about these dinners all last week. (lots more details if needed on any of these above mentioned things)

so i flipped. i can't do it anymore. constantly coming last. so i texted him all that.
then he wrote back saying he was sorry i was mad, and he was too tired to deal with this tonight.
this is the first time i've ever been honest with him about how i feel.
so long story short, i texted this long thing about how i feel like he doesn't care about not just me, but us, and that makes me feel like shit, and i'm sick of coming last and i know he's a busy man, but he should take some time to care, a little, and at least give me a call, and having not seen him in weeks a phone call would go a long way. and i'm really disappointed because i was so looking forward to seeing him and i miss him. and fine i guess i'll just have to wait and see him on friday, but he could at least have the courtesy to call me and make a slight effort.

so an hour later i haven't heard anything
and i'm angry
so i write "you know what? fuck friday. either you care about me or you don't. you tell me babe, 'cause i'm done coming last"
and all he wrote back was "then i guess its over"

wow. what. an. ass.

so now that i'm officially single, who has some hot friends they want to set me up on dates with?

beyond that, mom had a lovely visit and is headed back to california.
i've decided i hate what my job has become and am going to begin a hardcore job search and make that a major priority.
i've decided to join the ymca and make working out a priority, and get rid of my little beer belly i still have from college. (hot)
i've decided to actively try to make more friends, even though in NJ all the girls my age are already married with kids. there has to be cool girls like me somewhere. how do young adults make new friends? its kinda hard. ugh.
i've decided to entertain you guys more in multimedia formats. just you wait.

life sucks sometimes.
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Sorry to hear but if after a year of (casual) dating it all ends with a "then i guess its over" via text message then it pretty much suggests it's the right outcome.
You're not ugly, you have tits and a vagina. What is the problem? He is a 45 year old divorcee with a cocaine problem. Get yourself tested, one. Two, sorry to spoil it for you but you weren't "exclusive" for a reason. He was tagging any broad who looked his way. He was probably doing this to 3-5 other girls at the same time which is why he doesn't give a fuck. He was never tied down just for that reason. Fly out to Toronto, Fiver has a dong for you and a good time. Get back at him. Sorry about the emotional problems, it will get better with time.
expect texts from fiver

and deuce, how crude
You left the part out where you bought him some earrings.

Casper, where and when do you want to meet?

Whoever walks away alive gets her. :shitjustgotreal:
Deuce - i'm sure you are right. though, when asked, he said he was only seeing me. but that doesn't mean anything. i slept around too. but only a few times, not like repeatedly. still maks me feel like shit.
enigma - awaiting said texts.
polaroid - right, what else was there to expect?

told my mom, her response was "you should join or eharmony, or jdate or what's that other one called?"
and i go "gamelive" (and i crack up laughing in my head)
she goes "ooh thats a new one, sure join that one."

life currently blows.

oh also, here's a thought. in over a year, we never took one photo together. weird. however we were planning a week in Jamaica for August. so be it.
Casper, where and when do you want to meet?

Whoever walks away alive gets her. :shitjustgotreal:

yes. please duel over me. that will make me feel much better and boost my confidence.
I vote that you do not do the dating website.
told my mom, her response was "you should join or eharmony, or jdate or what's that other one called?"
and i go "gamelive" (and i crack up laughing in my head)
she goes "ooh thats a new one, sure join that one."


Let's get her posting here.
Sounds to me like he's still with his wife and you were a mistress...
45 and divorced with a teenage daugther sounds better than i was expecting
durito, what, pray tell, were you expecting?
i dunno, but i better not be doing cocaine at that age.
i dunno, but i better not be doing cocaine at that age.

he didnt even start until he was 37 or something. you know, after the divorce. i thought it was weird too.