So I have this music project I've been working on

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Jan 27, 2010
since early 1957, and it has reached a point of moving to a new phase. It advances out of the extended phase of doing a whole bunch of stuff alone in a cocoon - composing, arranging, recording, fighting with instruments/software I don't really know how to play/use - to now reaching out for help, advice and whatnot.

First draft is complete. 12 songs. Like 43 minutes of material. Seriously. I have seriously been working on this for over 2.5 years and I've got 43 minutes of stuff.

Freaks me out a bit to look at it that way but that's what it is.

All I am doing right now is just booking this space because I wasn't sure if gamelive might run out of new threads. If anybody has anything brilliant to just lob out there at this point, please do. Otherwise, I will methodically post my questions and requests for help over the coming days/weeks/months in hopes there can be some good discussion.

That's it. More to come shortly.
Well actually, here's one thing right away. Does anyone know anything about copyrights? My intention is to google it. I believe it has become a little more formal than it was in the early 90's when I was having some songs published.

So I intend to google.

But does anyone have any off-the-cuff discussion about that?
Since early 1957? Wait. That can't be right can it?
:laugh: I'm looking forward to this thread. I'm curious to understand your ability to work on a thing for so long. (Not that the concept is totally alien to me.)
Obviously I know nothing about copyrights :hides:
All this talk bout music all the time lets fkn hear something.

You want to copyright something....send it to yourself in the mail and dont open it.
You want to copyright something....send it to yourself in the mail and dont open it.

I don't know for sure if this method will (or ever did) hold up in court but I this exact thing in 1996 after we finished our CD.
Since early 1957? Wait. That can't be right can it?

It feels like that but no. The 2.5 year figure was actual. Project began early 2012.

Me and my tomfoolery.
I see some interesting, relevant information coming up but you guys are just a bit ahead of me. Next step is to recruit a few volunteers to listen to songs for "proof-reading" purposes. I have some specific concerns that I would like some second opinions on. Not millions but a few. Plus I will welcome and consider any other constructive feedback. The songs may not be done yet.

I'll probably start talking about that tomorrow.

Once they are done done, I think that's when I will start thinking about uploading to the proper media.

Does that make sense?
Show it to Rubyn also, she's into music and plays some gigs.
Rubyn would actually be an excellent resource as would Bread. I think she would know more about the technical stuff that goes with making music.
I wish Rubyn was here. I actually got her to listen to a song a couple years ago, before I decided I would totally complete the cocoon phase before moving on to the next phase. Her response was basically, "That's so good! (Kinda busy here.)"

Which is nice. The good part. Not much to sink my teeth into but nice. But yeah, I would love it if she was here (for more reasons than just that.)
Use Distrokid to upload your songs to ITunes, Amazon, Spotify etc

Lemme ask you this: is this something I should do even before asking for feedback? Like so the copy I am sending to anyone who is generously helping me out is the highest possible quality?

The songs right now are all saved in dropbox - as wav. files I believe - and I was figuring I would just send links from that to anyone joining the coalition of the willing - but there is a noticeable drop in quality from when I just listen straight from my software.

So is what you're suggesting here the same idea except better quality? And then, suppose I do tweak a song, do I just re-save and it over-writes with the new version?

Know what I mean?
I wouldn't upload an unfinished (unmastered) project to iTunes.

I think friends will be able to give positive/negative feedback on the songwriting and arrangements even with a little diminished sound quality.

I know that sounds weird but, yeah.

Is that what you were getting at?
That's what I was getting at and that was my general plan - settling with what dropbox offers at this stage. I consider all songs unfinished at this point and possibly subject to tweaks (possibly even significant changes. I don't think so, but can't go ruling anything out.)

But as with all things, if there is a better way to go (factoring in effort and cost of course) I want to hear about it.
In The States a copyright attaches simply by creating a unique work. Independent creation is a complete defense and you need not take any further steps to protect your intellectual property from infringement. Registration simply makes the timing easier to prove, the stamped envelope trick is a cheap workaround to registration.
What if two "independent creations" sound incredibly similar and neither "creators" took the time to document/copyright? I hope that makes sense. I'm really tired.