SBR Sponsor Bet Islands steals over a million dollars from players

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this is sad

sports book review
Long time lurker, novice gambler. I am aware Rito knows his stuff. I was preferring PM's t ask his opinion on things, but don't have the option.

don't feel bad
I often go ghost mode cause I often think everyone is a ghost. I'm paranoid like that. We all die Friday so soon it won't matter and we'll all be ACTUAL ghost.
Long time lurker, novice gambler. I am aware Rito knows his stuff. I was preferring PM's t ask his opinion on things, but don't have the option.

Don't be a MrX.*

*A MrX is a secretive dickhead.
Wally is making sure he is not Daft.
The concept of a long-time lurker at Gamelive is blowing my mind a little bit.
there is so much cluelessness and misdirected hate by the kiddies over yonder its cracking me the fuck up.... they want names, like they would have any fucking clue who the money was anyways and would ever dare hop their asses on a plane to head that way...they blame sbr, like they had a clue before 2 weeks ago and it was already too late...they want jons head, like that guy ever had any real control over anything at BI...they dont realize that rats live a shorter lifespan in c.r. and their lives can be made totally fucking miserable...

well if the money was indeed arrested the other month, theyd know exactly who it was. there is also legitimate value in knowing the names of everyone involved even if you have no interest in invoking harm upon the individuals.

sbr was involved with this from the beginning, how can you say otherwise? the evidence is posted all over their fucking website you just have to take about 10 minutes to look.

'jon kreta' had plenty of control over bi. if he was accepting large deposits from extremely sharp players in order to get a commission that sure seems like 'real control' to me. and why do you think backup financial backing deal fell through? it almost assuredly fell through as a direct results of 'jon''s actions.

it doesnt seem to me that anyone taking shit in this whole mess doesnt deserve it and then some.
there is so much cluelessness and misdirected hate by the kiddies over yonder its cracking me the fuck up.... they want names, like they would have any fucking clue who the money was anyways and would ever dare hop their asses on a plane to head that way...they blame sbr, like they had a clue before 2 weeks ago and it was already too late...they want jons head, like that guy ever had any real control over anything at BI...they dont realize that rats live a shorter lifespan in c.r. and their lives can be made totally fucking miserable...
Has Ray ever been to C.R.? He is well educated in rat life span overseas. I would have guessed rat life span to be longer overseas since people can't afford pest control.
i dont think sbr and betislands started a book together in order to steal over a million bucks from forum players...i think people that think that are being extremely ignorant about the entire ordeal...books close up shop and fuck people and affiliates all the time...its part of the can think that they were in cahoots, but i dont and never really saw a sign of that when they started and havent paid any attention to the place in over a year...i dont think they ever gave a sign of having any issues at all until a month ago or less...i really dont know when people stopped getting depends on who you ask over there and you will get 567969780 diff guesses.

i also dont think that they were accepting "large deposits" from "extremely sharp" players...what large player looks at their limits, no overnights and the fact that they cut players limits and decides that this is the book for them...:wacko: nobody i know would send them a large deposit for that.

i should have phrased the deal about jon differently, i know he had some day to day control of the book by being the manager, but at no time has jon ever had any money and has never been part of the backing of that book (thats what i meant by control...the money part) imo.

i think sbr had a little more heads up than posters, but would would have been too late anyways... people always want to blame the forums when shit hits the fan, but sometimes the shit blindsides the forum owner too...
Has Ray ever been to C.R.? He is well educated in rat life span overseas. I would have guessed rat life span to be longer overseas since people can't afford pest control.

haha... yes pavy. and you dont start rumors and drop names of wealthy people over there without risk... have you ever been there? to realize the difference in san jose and your sweet cozy atlanta neighborhood? :clueless:
haha... yes pavy. and you dont start rumors and drop names of wealthy people over there without risk... have you ever been there? to realize the difference in san jose and your sweet cozy atlanta neighborhood? :clueless:

I have been to Willemstad, Curacao. Once you see a rat hole in Willemstad you have seen them all.
i dont think sbr and betislands started a book together in order to steal over a million bucks from forum players...i think people that think that are being extremely ignorant about the entire ordeal...books close up shop and fuck people and affiliates all the time...its part of the can think that they were in cahoots, but i dont and never really saw a sign of that when they started and havent paid any attention to the place in over a year...i dont think they ever gave a sign of having any issues at all until a month ago or less...i really dont know when people stopped getting depends on who you ask over there and you will get 567969780 diff guesses.

so you are commenting on a subject you admittedly have not been following for over a year? lol ok.

i also dont think that they were accepting "large deposits" from "extremely sharp" players...what large player looks at their limits, no overnights and the fact that they cut players limits and decides that this is the book for them...:wacko: nobody i know would send them a large deposit for that.

maybe our definitions of extremely sharp are different, but even sbr admits why it fell through:

you are coming to a lot of incorrect conclusions because you seem to put more stock in what you think should happen(ed) versus what is actually happening.
choo were you and your crew part of the sharp players mentioned in the link you posted?
You own a website that is widely recognized as being a review/watchdog site for sportsbooks. You have prior knowledge, reliable speculation or whatever you want to call it that something isn't right. You have post, pm's or emails from players informing you that payments are delayed or whatever.

Now I agree that crying wolf is irresponsible but doing nothing at all is more so. UNLESS your priorities aren't with the members of your site but to your own reputation or affiliates.

If BetIslands knew their financial backing was going away they had a moral obligation to not continue taken deposits from players knowing full well there was potential they couldn't make good if they won.
so you are commenting on a subject you admittedly have not been following for over a year? lol ok.

maybe our definitions of extremely sharp are different, but even sbr admits why it fell through:

you are coming to a lot of incorrect conclusions because you seem to put more stock in what you think should happen(ed) versus what is actually happening.

im not really putting stock in anything... you got some sort of proof that sbr and bi are one in the same and im all ears...

but fuck that...i havent followed them since i had no reason to play there... my opinion that they did not open a book together because until the other day, nobody even thought about it and it has never been mentioned was never announced sbr was part of the book and nobody in the industry ever said anything about it either... you are doing the exact same thing with an assumption completely opposite of mine...are you really going to try and scold me some more for an opinion while being a fucking hypocrite yourself?

i think some guys ran up balances and thats where dozier gets that from...for some reason anyone with a decent balance gets labeled a sharp :wacko: you couldnt deposit large money there...they had a few guys they should have cut off that went on good runs...happens everywhere.

hey, it fucking i think sbr played a part in the place shutting down? no... could they have saved a few guys some money with a warning weeks ago? sure...but i doubt much if any at all... i believe they were consistently being lied too like the rest... but im glad you are admitting to following the book since day one, since you obviously know everything thats going on here, right?
I tend to agree that SBR shouldn't be taking that much shit.

If anything this latest mishap should remind everyone what kind of people we're dealing with. The whole industry is a joke.
