Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I guess we see that one a little differently. To me it's all about max value. I am not happy with scaring him off with a bigger raise and a $17 win. Obviously the way it worked out defeats that purpose, but in all reality there he's a 1 in 8.44 shot to flop a set against me - I want him in there.
Obviously the way it worked out defeats that purpose, but in all reality there he's a 1 in 8.44 shot to flop a set against me - I want him in there.

1 in 8.44 to flop a set in which case he wins $175 plus the $52 already in the pot. You're letting him call $18 to win $227, easily the correct play for him to fish for a set. Your reraise needs to be a bit bigger. Make it a harder decision for him.

If your goal is to have him overvalue his tens, don't reraise and let him play the hand into you.

What you did here was you let him know his hand was beat and you gave him good odds to draw out on you.
Can't say what will happen down the road but today gas was $2.11 a gallon! Lowest it's been in a quite awhile! Wasn't it supposed to go in the opposite direction? Maybe it will! Or maybe CNN or MSNBC or the WP will give us a story that Trump someway underhandedly with the Prince, made a no gas hike, no blame deal! o_O
Good news Mr Monkey. West Texas Crude now below $46 a barrel.

Reforecasting that we could see a sub $30 price per barrel yet again. The rate hike certainly had a price impact here. But yeah, better times at the bowser lie ahead 👍
I have some Glad Wrap right now. Figured I couldn't go wrong. Big brand name - la dee da. Paid a bit extra.

But it's stupid. Instead of having the saw at the butt of the thing, they got it on the hangy part. It's a whole different, less natural motion - which requires more space. It's stupid.

No sir, I do not like the Glad Wrap delivery mechanism.
I don't know how you guys use that stuff at all.

It's hard to cut on that weird little saw, then the second you do get a jagged piece separated from the roll, it instantly tries to stick to itself. Then if you do ever manage to get the right sized piece to seal whatever your sealing, it ultimately does a kinda shitty job of clinging to itself.

Not a fan.
My dad worked his whole career at Dow Chemical. When I was growing up, we always had unlimited supplies of certain products. Scrubbing Bubbles, Ziploc bags - and, to the current point, Saran Wrap.

Man, that was a good product. Good wrap - with a good reliable saw. We always had boxes of it in the crawlspace.


But it's ancient history now. Man, you really have to appreciate the good times when you're in them.