Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

How to annoy your religious nut of a coworker

The best thing you could do is stop eating cereal and start eating whole fruit.

A couple bananas are better than a bowl of whole grain anything.

quick glycogen level spike vs. slow digesting carbs ... in theory, you should be eating both for breakfast... you need the carbs to give you energy throughout the day... :cheers:
So I'm waiting in line at Timmies this morning. As I get to the front of the line, right before you're diverted to one of 4 available cashiers, I see a group of coworkers - and fellow pick 'em pool participants - waiting for their food near one of the cashiers, so I engage them into some harmless trash-talk about the suckiness of their picks and such.

When I'm done, I make my way to the nearest cashier, only to be confronted by the angry Hungarian clerk:

Angry Hungarian clerk - The lineup is back there.
Me - What? But.. you know what, I'll come back later.

WTH? I waited in line and even let people through before me.

Life's not fair.

I just went back and bought a Leafs donut. I'm about to fok that thing up.

Fokking Hungarians.

Fokked up Matty. Hungarian story here too. This place in State is supposed to be awesome. I wouldn't know because I went with my buddy once and the owner who was working the counter started screaming at us to stop wasting his time and to decide what we wanted. We had no idea what anything meant or what to eat. Supposedly that's "his thing" to be rude and make awesome food.

Here's my thing - no thanks..