NCAA Tournament Contest

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New Member
Oct 24, 2013
$100 buy in. Who's in?
If I can raise $100 by Tuesday, I'll play.
Got 4.5.

Where's FW? Where's Andy? We could up his buy in to $975 if that's more his comfort zone.
bwhahahahaha I'll track down $975 Andy and Shdw tomorrow.
I'm probably out Mikey, thanks for the invite though.
Mr. X
Mr. Monkey

Current Pot: $400. Winner take all.

Anyone else interested?
If I pay Wednesday, I can play right?
Did I miss it or did you not say what the contest is yet lol....brackets? I talked to shdw but he asked and I didn't know...forgot to email Andy...pot will be $1375 if he gets in. new computer and for some reason don't see Andy's contact info...I can't even think of his real name and he's not on FB anymore anyway...I'll try to get ahold of him if I can, but no guarantees.

Let me know what contest is and I'll email Shdw too but of course he is 4 or 5 hours behind us..
IAG, just wondering if only 4 of us are in it and winner take all, could we each play 2 different brackets? This way say someone starts out awful in one pool, they have a second one to go to? Only one I'm in and hate to be out of it too early!
IAG, just wondering if only 4 of us are in it and winner take all, could we each play 2 different brackets? This way say someone starts out awful in one pool, they have a second one to go to? Only one I'm in and hate to be out of it too early!

Lol. Pay attention Mr. Monkey! I have no idea what the contest even is...This one has nothing to do with me...Mikey is running the show...but I'm sure he'll see your post and respond accordingly.
If Casper sponsors me with his last $100 I'm in.
Well based on his kickstarter campaign you should have that by 2088