Movies and TV

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Re Letterkenny: with 6 episodes per season, each with a runtime so short, it is over before you know it started - I could go on indefinitely.

A season 3 is obviously planned.
It's Golden Globes time already. Tomorrow to be exact. I don't watch them but they are a good heads-up for me as far as stuff to see.

I immediately see some nominations I disagree with - but that is par for the course.

I already have most of the movies on my to-see list but one thing I am reminded to check out is The People v. O.J. Simpson. That got a lot of positive buzz from people I trust. I am actually the rare bird who paid almost no attention to the O.J. trial when it was happening - so it will not be a review for me. It will be some new material.
Has anybody watched The Fall? :dunno:
Lots of Florence Foster Jenkins love in the GG noms. :facepalm: Such a stupid movie.

I have seen a movie called The Fall. Like 10 years ago? I'm guessing that's not what you're talking about?
I have seen a movie called The Fall. Like 10 years ago? I'm guessing that's not what you're talking about?

Yes not the movie, the series!

I want to put my penis inside Iliza Shlesinger.
Trying to convince my mom that there is no season 6 of Breaking Bad. She won't have it. There is a season 6 because you can search for it on Amazon and it returns "Remember My Name" (which is the second half of season 5 but is just labeled "The Final Season".) She's seen the entire series but she's adamant that there is more to it after Walter gets hit by his own robo-gun.

yeah well, she's pretty fit and nice delivery, but too much of her material not good. Although I did like her line about I'm a 7 without make up and you're a 4 with money :grin:

You know who always looks like she needs a cock (mine) in her mouth?

Iliza's "Confirmed Kills" special on Netflix is pretty fokkin' solid.
Trying to convince my mom that there is no season 6 of Breaking Bad. She won't have it. There is a season 6 because you can search for it on Amazon and it returns "Remember My Name" (which is the second half of season 5 but is just labeled "The Final Season".) She's seen the entire series but she's adamant that there is more to it after Walter gets hit by his own robo-gun.


Ugh. Someone edited a bunch of movies together to make a fake "Breaking Bad Season 6" trailer. Confusing old people all over the world.

Fences (2016) - The good news is, there is no need to contrive nominations for black people for Oscars just to appease. Some top-notch, A-1, deserving candidates right here.

It's a powerful thing, Fences. It tells a small story of some lives, while also telling the huge story of the black experience in America. I mean, I'm not saying it is all you ever need to know about everything, but it is remarkably insightful and astute.

It also manages somehow to not be too speechy. A problem I often have with plays is the dialogue sounds too written and therefore unnatural, and it pulls me out of it. Somehow that didn't happen with this for me. Until now, I have not known the work of August Wilson. Huge respect.

Everyone's teeth are too good. That's a slightly distracting fact. But otherwise, wow.

It is a play. It's talky and longish. I doubt I will want to to rewatch it often. But it's very good.

8.2 out of 10.

You know what was actually a pretty decent movie that I saw recently? Changing gears completely?

Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Wow. Just looked it up. I would have guessed it was 2015 but it was 2011. Time flies.

It's got some dopey blockbuster stuff to it but it is well conceived and executed. Comes in at a tidy hour and 45.

7 out of 10.
Goddamit. Now I'm gonna be looking for their teeth.