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I like most things about sports jeopardy. Dan Patrick is classic, and pro.
just started Grace and Frankie I guess

surprise from my wife, as I listened to football on tv on my headphones raking leaves out back earlier....
Looks like a new season of The Affair has begun. I was a little surprised to see that it is season 3. I would have guessed 2.

Amazingly little happens on that show.
Westworld is great but I'm acutely aware that JJ Abrams is steering the ship. I'm not even close to forgiving him for Lost, and this feels a lot like Lost 2.0.
I'm with you in retro-hating LOST, but I don't think this is that. I think they will have viable real-world (so to speak) explanations for everything. They have already started showing that and some of the ideas are very inventive IMO.

LOST was just completely ridiculous busy-work.

I'm not sure what Abrams role is but Jonathan Nolan is much more front-and-center in the creation. Writing and directing. I am feeling more of the Nolan fingerprint on Westworld. A little over-engineered at times but always with a direction and an underlying intelligence.
Dancer in the Dark was an odd little mish-mash of a movie.
I've always meant to see that.
Westworld is great but I'm acutely aware that JJ Abrams is steering the ship. I'm not even close to forgiving him for Lost, and this feels a lot like Lost 2.0.

whats up with the little graphical glitches effect?
I did. I prolly didn't pay close attention though. JL tends to get in the way of a good TV session.
there were 2 or 3 times the screen glitched like a signal interference with our screen, inside westworld and outside
:wah: Ima have to rewatch that.
I've always meant to see that.

I'm not actually recommending Dancer in the Dark. I come out a hair on the thumbs down side when all is said and done. It's got good ratings on the movie sites though. It may have won a damn Palme D'Or now I think about it . . .

. . . yes it did.

It's a bit odd for me to even comment here on a thumbs down movie but there was just something about it. As I watched I kept finding myself having different kinds of thoughts from my usual movie watching. Like, "Really?" and "Are we doing this?" and "Now come on now."

I guess it seemed remark-worthy.
The maze on Westworld always makes me think of LOST though. The talk and representation. LOST.

Lose the maze.
there were 2 or 3 times the screen glitched like a signal interference with our screen, inside westworld and outside


Noticed nothing like that. Are you sure whatever device you were watching it on isn't on the fritz?

Took a quick look at a busy discussion board and saw no mention of it through the top ~100 thread titles.

Lots of talk of multiple timelines though. Both pro and angrily against.
The maze on Westworld always makes me think of LOST though. The talk and representation. LOST.

Lose the maze.

That's what I mean. They're building this huge mythology around the show (and outside of it, with the website), just like Lost did. In Lost's case, it ended up being nothing but a distraction. Jangling of the keys above the unwashed masses.

They also have this mysterious, cruel villain, just like Lost did.

Same thing all over again, but with a bigger budget (presumably.)

I'm still watching. But I'm fokkin' wary.