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I've loved her since Flirting. Great movie, btw.


She got some dance moves though - I tell you wut.

Apart from where they go with the story, it has to be the best ensemble cast I've ever seen in a TV show - and nothing is a close second.

Giving this some thought. What is/are the best ensemble cast(s) besides Westworld?

Deadwood was a pretty great cast. Not that they were megastars who did huge acclaimed things before and after, but they worked really well in the situation. In Treatment was probably the best actors' show ever - just by its nature. A show made for actors to really act - and they did. But it wasn't exactly an ensemble performance. They mostly just came on one at a time with Gabriel Byrne.

The Sopranos is on my Mount Rushmore but it had a few acting problems. Mad Men had some great stuff but mixed in some hilariously bad stuff. the Wire was actually pretty solid.
I still think Fight Club is a good movie

A lot of people seem to

I never had any use for Penelope Cruz, and I still have no use for Penelope Cruz.
Same here.

Vanilla Sky - I'd rather be rat tortured until I die than have to watch that piece of shit again.
She was also in the original Spanish version of that movie back before she was famous and it was pretty good in a Dario Argento kind of way. Most of her Spain movies are good.

I saw her Spain movies before she was famous. Belle Epoque. Jamon Jamon. I got no use for her.

I just saw her in The Brothers Grimsby. Just kind of embarrassed for her, that one.
I go to record the new episode of Quarry - the synopsis says it's the season finale.

Already. 8 episode season.

Jesus christ on a cracker.
You still liking it? Series premiere weirded me out.
Totally. Still up in the air if it will be renewed for a season 2 though.
"Why do daughters get to say that they're fucked up by their fathers when it's so often the other way round?"
Season finale of Quarry was incredible. There was one scene in particular - I have no idea if I was watching a lot of special effects or perhaps the best choreographed continuous 7 minute shot in the history of TV or wut.

But that's not even the point. Deadly show.

As far as I can tell, there is still no word if it will be renewed for a season 2. Interestingly, they came up with an ending that works either way. Kind of brilliant - as so much in the show has been.
i saw the first episode of westworld

something similar to what magic leap wants to create, their tech supposedly so good that they have attracted $1.4 billion usd investment without a single public demo, they are currently building a manufacturing facility in ft lauderdale so the chinese won't steal their tech


when the bandits were riding into town to paint it black piano it reminded me of las damas de blanco


one of the bandits was rodrigo santoro, brasileiro dude he good, first saw him in hilda furacao in the late 90s, high society girl that abandons her wedding and goes to live as a hooker in 1950s bohemian Belo Horizonte, playing a role in a world she had never seen and ending up falling in love with a friar boy santoro, based in a verified true story, hunt it down it's good

after real life hilda couldn't live her true love in life with the friar, a few years later in the late 50s she married a famous soccer player who used to frequent the brothel, this guy went on to play for Boca Juniors the great soccer club from Buenos Aires, he was the big foreign star for half a decade in the 60s, hilda became the First Lady of Boca Juniors beloved by all fans, by the mid 80s her husband had died and their son died as well, she went on to live to a state old folks home impoverished to be left forgotten, by the late 90s a young intern at the time for a radio station in the 1950s that witnessed that whole hilda story in the zona rosa of Belo Horizonte wrote a book and pitched it to a brazilian tv station, the tv story hilda became a huge international hit, but there was no news of her whereabouts until 2012 where she was discovered still alive in Buenos Aires

hilda hurricane died in dec 29 2014

Giving this some thought. What is/are the best ensemble cast(s) besides Westworld?

Deadwood was a pretty great cast. Not that they were megastars who did huge acclaimed things before and after, but they worked really well in the situation. In Treatment was probably the best actors' show ever - just by its nature. A show made for actors to really act - and they did. But it wasn't exactly an ensemble performance. They mostly just came on one at a time with Gabriel Byrne.

The Sopranos is on my Mount Rushmore but it had a few acting problems. Mad Men had some great stuff but mixed in some hilariously bad stuff. the Wire was actually pretty solid.

Cheers, mash, arrested development, the office, taxi
I'll take Taxi from that list. ...or any list probably