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kato's good mourning/good evening thread

good afternoon rj, reno, casper

mean girls right? not personally.

reno, stalin hated jews. love you.
really? Nevermind that the USSR with Stalin as commander, liberated Europe and whatever Jews were still alive from Nazi slime, what matters is that somewhere you heard that Stalin hated Jews. :nono: Don't let US exceptionalism blind you brother kato.
I know, it's hard to do, everybody is an evil dictator except our benevolent government/corporations, who nobly fight racism and for human rights by drone bombing poor non white people around the world.
really? Nevermind that the USSR with Stalin as commander, liberated Europe and whatever Jews were still alive from Nazi slime, what matters is that somewhere you heard that Stalin hated Jews. :nono: Don't let US exceptionalism blind you brother kato.
I know, it's hard to do, everybody is an evil dictator except our benevolent government/corporations, who nobly fight racism and for human rights by drone bombing poor non white people around the world.
love you brother. good mourning gamelive.