Is it dead?

Ninja said: "We didn't know who the f**k he (Wang) was. He called me to ask if he could fly us to New York to take photographs of us and pay us. We thought that was weird."

He added: "He just wanted us to paint all over this white wall and then paint all over his clothes and wear them and I was like - err, okay, that sounds kind of nothing - but when you put on his T-shirts, it's like retardedly expensive sh*t but such nice material and cuts. I feel like such a sissy now."
Ninja revealed that they have been in contact with Celine Dion's management, but Dion had made it clear she "doesn't dig swearing".

finally got to listen to all of ten$ion

to quote a great man, fiveteamer

"it's good"

not bad for their sophomore effort. hard to top their first because of how odd it was. but, solid work.

big fan of 'fatty boom boom'

that song is evil boy level

baby's on fire is average

hey sexy is ok

fink is good times

so what? is nice

u make a ninja wanna fuck is not as good as she makes me a killer

all in all good work

yo-landi is a star