Inappropriate Comment

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You Eff See
Jan 30, 2010
So I was out in Minneapolis going to see Louis CK. We were walking by the Target Center where the Wolves play and see that the Circus was going on there through the weekend. Of course there's a group of nut jobs protesting the Circus because of animal cruelty etc... They have signs and some real shitty home made ones too. They keep saying things as people walk by and trying to hand out fliers. As we are just about past them a black family with a couple little kids walks past us the other way obviously going to the Circus. One of the protesting ladies says directly to them "every ticket you buy to the Circus promotes animal slavery." I'm still just at a loss for words.
If you were an animal, would you want to be in a circus?

Think about it meat head. Not every living thing on this planet is here to amuse you.
I saw Louie CK live once. Don't see what the big problem is. :grin:
I'm not sure why you're upset, Hoff. Was it because the protestor may have ruined the circus for the kids or is it because slavery is somehow a taboo word?
I'm not sure why you're upset, Hoff. Was it because the protestor may have ruined the circus for the kids or is it because slavery is somehow a taboo word?

Not so much saying animal slavery but the fact that she didn't say anything to us white folk. She specifically said it to the black family walking by.
If you were an animal, would you want to be in a circus?

Think about it meat head. Not every living thing on this planet is here to amuse you.

Another weekend alone at your computer again huh?
Eh...I don't see much wrong with this scenario.

It brings up the age old question....If I get in a fight with a black guy because he is a jerkoff, does it make me a racist?

To most black ppl it me it's just a jerkoff. And I love to fight.

But I also recognize that if this clown went after the black family with that comment to be hurtful, then it changes everything.

As usual, I have no point. Can't wait to die.
Not so much saying animal slavery but the fact that she didn't say anything to us white folk. She specifically said it to the black family walking by.

While I'm by no means defending the protesters, from your story I would simply assume that they targeted a group of people who they were fairly certain were attending the event that they were protesting.

As far as the protesters themselves, that's an entirely different ballpark. These people are so fucking sheltered from the realities of nature. Do they actually think that nature would better nurture the animals than a team of trainers? I absolutely cannot stand most animal rights activists. Why don't they fucking cry about all of the ants that get stepped on each day? Do you think if they had a mouse in their house that they'd set a trap? How about spraying for cockroaches? If it weren't for the dominance of humanity on Earth, these are the people who would be the first victims of natural selection. Fucking nitwits.
I'm sure that these are the same people protesting that went to the local elementary schools when the circus was here. They had someone dressed as an elephant with a bandaged head.

Hoff, I get what you're pointing out here. The protester apparently "targeted" the black family with a word they figured they would identify with.

If we see a problem with such tactics we are deemed overly sensative or pathetically politically correct. It could be that we just feel that certain things are best left unsaid.

Bread, naturally if you fight a black guy due to him being a jerk it doesn't make you a racist. If there is a black guy and a white guy both being jerks and you choose to fight the black guy you might be a racist. Course the black guy might be the smaller of the two jerks in which case you're just a pussy.:bravo:
Keep in mind I have no point..I just like to ramble...

But I consider myself a huge animal hypocrite in that I will never go to a circus, I would probably go to jail, prison or grave if I ever witnessed someone kicking a cat. No joke. There is a strong possibility that I would kill me and Robyn driving off a cliff to avoid a squirrel in the road. I want to watch The Cove to bawl my eyes out because I think a good cry is healthy from time to time, but I am afraid it will numb my love for all things Asian.

Yet, I can't fucking resist a roast beef sandwich. Hypocrite. God I don't ever want to see the things that had to happen to put that delightful sandwich in my mouth.

I quit meat for a full year back when I was 22 or something like that. But I'm too weak and hypocritical to stand for anything.

But I'm missing the point of this thread. Yes, black people are funny.
I wouldn't beat myself up about it. Whether you eat meat or not isn't going to change anything. If you want to effect something you have to organize and do something. Perhaps like these people. Not a cause I would hang my hat on.
Why does Hoffy hate black people? This is getting weird.
Keep in mind I have no point..I just like to ramble...

But I consider myself a huge animal hypocrite in that I will never go to a circus, I would probably go to jail, prison or grave if I ever witnessed someone kicking a cat. No joke. There is a strong possibility that I would kill me and Robyn driving off a cliff to avoid a squirrel in the road. I want to watch The Cove to bawl my eyes out because I think a good cry is healthy from time to time, but I am afraid it will numb my love for all things Asian.

Yet, I can't fucking resist a roast beef sandwich. Hypocrite. God I don't ever want to see the things that had to happen to put that delightful sandwich in my mouth.

I quit meat for a full year back when I was 22 or something like that. But I'm too weak and hypocritical to stand for anything.

But I'm missing the point of this thread. Yes, black people are funny.


I was the same way about eating meat until I met Mr. X. He's been a vegetarian since college. He's not preachy, doesn't ever say anything to anyone about what they eat. He really feels okay with people choosing whatever they choose on most, probably all subjects. Knowing what I knew after watching all the videos about factory farming and reading all the information about the stuff they put into the feed, to sit across from your life partner at a restaurant chomping on a steak just didn't work for me anymore.
Whether you eat meat or not isn't going to change anything.

I don't think this is true. It might night be a radical revolutionary change but I think things will change. In college, besides vegetables, vegetarians had little choice at the supermarket. Maybe you guys have been to those granola, hippie stores that were a vegetarians only choice twenty years ago. Now there are a huge variety of meat and cheese substitutes that you can buy at any local grocery store. Whole Foods is a corporate giant. Maybe in twenty more years people that choose to eat meat without hormones and raised in a natural way will be a strong enough consumer voice that this will become a norm or at least a reasonable choice in regular grocery stores.