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Tell me when you can do 50 clapping your hands in between them! :bringiton:

Being honest, I fell short. That's not easy! Nothing is ...

Can you ?? :clueless:
MrM can do 50 pushups with his dick is so big and strong
LOL in my dreams I can! Honestly feel so old and weak these days don't know if I could do 10. I'll get back to you with the results. And attempt to do some situps and that's a struggle.

Seriously want to know from the physical health experts here is sit-ups the best exercise to lose some fat in your stomach?
LOL in my dreams I can! Honestly feel so old and weak these days don't know if I could do 10. I'll get back to you with the results. And attempt to do some situps and that's a struggle.

Seriously want to know from the physical health experts here is sit-ups the best exercise to lose some fat in your stomach?
No such thing as target weight loss my friend. It’s 75% what you eat and 20% working out.

If you’re only gonna do one thing, cut down on how much sugar you take in. Read labels.
No such thing as target weight loss my friend. It’s 75% what you eat and 20% working out.

If you’re only gonna do one thing, cut down on how much sugar you take in. Read labels.
Thanks Tron you probably are the best poster to get advice on this from. I love my sweet desserts, sweet anything and been trying cut down on them. Ironic but MrsM already about month or so ago starting getting off sugar completely.

I love to eat and just trying to cut down on portions and limiting late snacks before bed. Rarely eat anything before noon with only coffee. MrsM cooks so well very hard to resist getting second helpings. She says on one hand I'm getting fat but constantly tells me to finish stuff so we don't want to waste it.

Never been into working out (boring for me) but been into walking a lot of late. Been trying to if possible even in the heat working up a sweat. Plus every night now walking the dog. How many miles you think walking daily would help me if say I didn't work out at like a gym? Or maybe wouldn't help at all?
@MrMonkey any extra walking you will do will help. It will burn calories and it’s good for your heart. Brisk walking with no stopping. If you can bang out a mile or 2 four to five times a week it will be very beneficial.
Tron's GL's trusted bases player and also our health wise go to. That's right the bases plays you knew about across the street.

Locker doesn't like me for some reason...

Don't know what it is ??



He and I have always been cool ..
I used to be able to do a few one arm push ups while dribbling a basketball with other hand.

I don't have a basketball anymore. sorry can't test it
I used to be able to do a few one arm push ups while dribbling a basketball with other hand.

I don't have a basketball anymore. sorry can't test it

Archie, I bet I could strike you out.

Also, I could hit your best pitch for a solid double in the gap.

Deal? :buddy:
no doubt

I'm stronger, in much better shape, and most handsomest though

Archie and I go way back... Tight! Hope you're well, my friend!