how may friends do you have

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Feb 13, 2011
i thought i had, like 10 dearest friends. turns out only 3 are in it for the long run. Jarring realization.

im drunk and people suck.

my question to you is:

how many true best friend forever do you have?
how man dear friends do you have?
how amy friends do you have who may or may not be there in long run?
kato, we need a thread title translation here.
True friends are hard to come by and are the one's you keep Cali.

If your drunk then have one for me...Ta
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I've got my wife and two buddies I could count on for nearly anything (in addition to 7 siblings and spouses). I've got about three dudes who I would consider loyal drinking buddies. Then I have 2-3 lifelong childhood friends who I check in with once a year, they'd probably be reliable for anything. After that, there's maybe 20 (40?) People in my social circle I would consider friends but not who I would ever rely upon for much.

Quite frankly, I'm glad I don't have more "closer" friends. I don't have any desire to let any more people in on what I'm doing and I don't have the energy to care about what they are doing.
I've got my wife and two buddies I could count on for nearly anything (in addition to 7 siblings and spouses). I've got about three dudes who I would consider loyal drinking buddies. Then I have 2-3 lifelong childhood friends who I check in with once a year, they'd probably be reliable for anything. After that, there's maybe 20 (40?) People in my social circle I would consider friends but not who I would ever rely upon for much.

Quite frankly, I'm glad I don't have more "closer" friends. I don't have any desire to let any more people in on what I'm doing and I don't have the energy to care about what they are doing.

I am with you here Boner.
I probably have 2-3 very close childhood friends who I could rely on but one of them is a fucking joker so his reliability can be questioned at times when he is messing around. I am not even remotely close with any one of my siblings so I wouldn't rely on them or ask for assistance from them........... period. In fact, I hardly speak to them which is mutually beneficial.
My brother, iag, and a couple of locals.
I have one. She is like my sister. I have another friend that I am close with, but it is not reliable for much. That's about it. I have plenty of people I chat with, but we are not close, and would be willing to help each other out, but again, we are not close. I don't trust many people, and I don't divulge personal details to anyone other then those two gals. I like my couple of friends and that is it. Even if I wanted more, I just don't have the time.
A handful. I think if push came to shove I could rely on at least 4 friends to help out in a significant way.

Oversharing is useful in making lasting connections.

I recommend oversharing at least twice a day.
It's weird. I have my buddy Bert whom I have known since I was 11 and we still live in walking distance and we both do all kinds of shit for each other and I'm sure will continue to until one of us dies. We communicate at least a couple times per week and he would have to be considered my best friend, no contest.

But we don't have a deep touchy feely type relationship. We discuss football and music. We discuss some general life stuff and feelings but no real deep probing stuff.

In the days when I did a lot of addiction recovery meetings, I regularly divulged intimate things about myself to rooms full of a hundred strangers that I have never tried to get into with Bert.

Whatever that means.
Sorry. I love appositive humor.

I'm going to think on this and get back to you, but I will tell you what my former boss told me....if you have 5 true friends in your lifetime (outside of family) you are a lucky person.
1 - Pauperguy. And I was forced into it.
1 - Pauperguy. And I was forced into it.

we all were...nobody has the balls to tell him/her/it no :nope: