go wall street protest

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Many countries have problems with race. I think the US handles it pretty darn good. My life choice wasn't to go get preggo at 14 and Go on welfare for 40 years. Is that in the constitution?
Sounds like too many people here don't know what it's like to truly struggle.
you sir, haven't a fucking clue what anyone else here may or may not have dealt with. are you using the same crystal ball to plan your wagers?
You're right Illmatic. I moved back home to support my parents (one partially blind and one can barely walk), went bankrupt. All they have is SS and a modest pension. They never asked for food stamps or welfare. Tell us your struggles.
they wouldn't qualify. SS and a modest pension is a lot more than welfare. Anyway, so what.

Once again, it's the I've had it hard so I want everyone else to suffer too argument.
And Illmatic is right. Poor people not good enough for Mountain Dew.
Sorry Reno, I wasn't familiar with GL protocol. Stick it to The Man.
good stuff, kato.

portland's government has also opened itself up to a bunch of civil lawsuits in the future.
thanks, your approval means a lot
thanks, your approval of my approval is equally important to me.

I love how Illmatic just dove in head first in slamming down the race card......

just a bit premature.... Illy is sooooooo prejudiced.... unreal

prejudiced? well yeah. Archie, if you ever need any section 8 hookups in austin let me know; we're all about defrauding the system.

One of my cousins who was just diagnosed with cancer now receives 1500 a month after convincing a psychologist he's schizophrenic. Now he stays home all day with his kids drinking dew and eating gobstoppers.

I have no problem with that..... do you?

"are you using the same crystal ball to plan your wagers?"

This info is readily available. If you can match my yearly ROI then more power to you.
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When did become a sin to make lots and lots of money?
This info is readily available. If you can match my yearly ROI then more power to you.
more concerned with the roi on my retirement portfolio. gambling is a recreation for me. think of me as the golfer who rarely breaks 90 but still enjoys playing a round. if you're earning a living from gambling, then my congratulations to you.

perhaps my reaction to your comment was too harsh, so feel free to help me understand where you were coming from. start with your definitions of "too many people (at gamelive)" and "truly struggle." also, just how is it you've become so intimate with the details in just where we all came from in terms of class, education and earnings.
Just confirmed that currently Occupy OKC has seven people present and four are homeless. Facts checked.
Chicago Occupiers are still going strong
occupy ATL was broken up by police few days ago from what I heard on radio.
police threatened to take everyone to jail and most of the occupiers left.... a few were arrested

1 man interviewed said, " I cant afford to get arrested. I got a good job and a family to support. I have to be at work in the morning." :lol:

Pavy, can you confirm this?