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Fake News

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
Which of these news stories are fake?

1. Wedding couple have Civil War themed wedding in Georgia complete w hired “slaves” to do the serving.

2. fermented rotting shark creates a stink at Sweden’s Disgusting Food Museum

3. Pope says “thou shall not gossip” when talking to 230 hairdressers in Rome.
Which story is the fake one? Presidents edition.

1. The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte had a cockroach crawling on his shoulder and chest live on a press conference and then he accused the opposition party of sending the cockroach.

2. The President of Venezuela had a slip of the tongue live on a press conference and revealed that 500 Cuban sicarios where on their way to Venezuela to aid him against protesters, after the slip he acknowledge it with an 'oops'.

3. Yet another Brazilian President, Michel Temer, who ended his term in January of this year, now sits in jail indicted on corruption and RICO charges.

4. After 37 years of dictatorship, ousted President of Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe is auctioning all his farm land, equipment, vehicles, and houses because his sons and family are idiots that don't know how to properly manage a business when they have to compete and are now going broke.

5. The current dictator President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega has a rare blood condition and needs blood transfusions every few months. He flies to Cuba to get transfusion from donkey blood administered by the best Cuban doctors.

6. The 30 year dictator of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev renamed the capital city from Astana to Nursultan to honor himself.
I used to walk with the cockroaches in Vegas, they are wild but not that bad. The worst cockroaches are in Denver if you have em in your apartment. They are super quick and freaky looking. Some are long and skinny, others are wide and stripped. ooh nasty.