ear wax

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angry and drunk
Jan 27, 2010
I enjoy when i clean my ears and find wax.

days on days I get skunked, and then bang.

anyone else get exicted.
Not really, I think it is icky, but I am always glad to get most of it out, though you do know that some of it is meant to protect your eardrums right?!!
never been skunked.... but dont clean them everyday.
also smell toenails after clipping.
raunchy smelling shit but gotta do it:eyes:
I will try smelling my toe nails... how long yoy let them grow Senco?
I enjoy when i clean my ears and find wax.

days on days I get skunked, and then bang.

anyone else get exicted.

I had a post on this somewhere. I wouldn't say excited but disappointed when I don't find any
I hold a competition between my left and right ears....

left is ahead lifetime
popping a pimple better
I don't sniff my toenails. That is a new concept on me. Don't think I'll start though.

I also can't say I get excited about ear wax. I remember tasting it when I was a kid. It didn't taste good.

Here's my question: if you remove a good score of ear wax, what do you do with it?
What are your thoughts on the ear candle things? Been a few years for me, I saw them at store, might do it again..those things suck out a lot of wax
What are your thoughts on the ear candle things? Been a few years for me, I saw them at store, might do it again..those things suck out a lot of wax

they don't really work...

I did a science experiment with them to prove to an inlaw...

if you just place them in a bottle instead of an ear and burn them, the exact same amount of wax, with the same appearance will be found at the bottom of the cone.... it comes from the wax in the paper
I enjoy wiping my butt after unloading a big one.
Tully words of advice -

When a police officer tells you to immediately cease and desist what you are doing, if you ignore him/her, "too much wax buildup" WON'T be an acceptable "out" in a court of law.

Just thought I'd mention that.
When I scratch my inner ear with a pen cap as I have discussed here at some length, and I come away with some wax, I usually wipe it on my shirt.

Just wanted to tie up that loose end.

I don't sniff my toenails. That is a new concept on me. Don't think I'll start though.

I also can't say I get excited about ear wax. I remember tasting it when I was a kid. It didn't taste good.

Here's my question: if you remove a good score of ear wax, what do you do with it?

Put it in a bag and save it - alongside your belly button lint bag.

I will try smelling my toe nails... how long yoy let them grow Senco?
they usually get longer then average I would think w/out knowing average length.
might get cut every other month or so. not sure last time they were clipped.
big toe nail approx 3/16" at the moment.
I don't sniff my toenails. That is a new concept on me. Don't think I'll start though.

I also can't say I get excited about ear wax. I remember tasting it when I was a kid. It didn't taste good.

Here's my question: if you remove a good score of ear wax, what do you do with it?

ya only live once, give it a try next time and report back with detailed description
its definitely a one of a kind kinda smell

anyone get athletes foot?
I've had it few times back in high school
most intense itching b/t toes known to man.

what about a pulled groin?
by far worst pulled muscle/tendon I've experienced.
also used to pull a groin often back in high school due to not stretching before playing ball.
out of commission for at least a week
I don't sniff my toenails. That is a new concept on me. Don't think I'll start though.

I also can't say I get excited about ear wax. I remember tasting it when I was a kid. It didn't taste good.

Here's my question: if you remove a good score of ear wax, what do you do with it?

I would treat it like a tissue full of snot and flush it / chuck it.

Thats just me though.

Senco, pull a lower back muscle and let me know how it compares to a groin pull.

Back pain is the most severe pain plommer has experinced.