Computer help please!

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You hate a lot Fiverpoo.

I use Chrome and Firefox simultaneously at work. I keep the personal shit on Chrome and the work stuff on Firefox. Firefox is more stable, but slower. YMMV, all depends on what you do.
try reinstalling the os. This or replace the hd.
For me, Firefox was a major pain in the ass. I had compatibility issues with Flash which from the millions of other posts I've seen on Mozilla's forum, is a common problem. And it hung constantly. As in every time I switched tabs. I spent so much time trying to fix it and nothing worked but because I was so used to it, I just kept using it. Other than this stupid pic problem, Chrome's been great so far. Seems much quicker than Firefox.
I use IE. I have very few problems with it. Only an occasional crash every couple of months.
Not only do I have very few compatibility issues where I do with other browsers, but the aesthetics of IE seem to be better than the others as well.

I'm not a Microsoft hater. I actually like most of their products.

I know I'm not hipster approved.
I use Chrome here, only image issue is the little images that are supposed to show up next to each forum on the main forum page ( They don't show up at all in Chrome - they do in IE and Firefox. :clueless:

Here's what I see on the main page. That first icon is what I'm seeing everywhere in threads here.


You see 3 more images than me on the main forum page. They're all broken on Chrome here. The rest of the forum works fine though.


same here matty

been that way for a long while
