Chicago Tribune: "Canada is on a roll"

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US customs officers are pretty shitty indeed.
US customs officers are pretty shitty indeed.

It's like they are doing us a huge favour by allowing us (Canadians) in to the country to visit.

When I visited I spent money there.

I don't want to steal an Americans job, I can get my own job in Canada. I have health coverage and property in Canada, I have no desire to give up the good life in the great white north for a life on the run in the USA. The border guards seem to forget that Canada is not a 3rd world shit hole. We are not dying to get out.
They treat guests as criminals. Visitors are finger printed entering the country, when foreign countries implement the same standards on American visitors to their country the American government gets its panties in a bunch.

I've already visited most of the US states and I no longer have any desire to travel there.
Better value for me and less hassle in other countries, that's just how it is.

America was fun for a while but now I'll go elsewhere. The fact that I require a visa to enter the US means there is no chance I'll comply with the requirements in order to visit.

I had to get fingerprinted when I became a US citizen...even when I had a green card. It's not a big deal for me. If terrorists attack Canada and cause 3,000 casualties they will start requiring fingerprints for foreigners in Canada too.
Some good plomsky quotes in here, might deserve own thread:

There's so much to love about Toronto—from the Tim Hortons quick-serve cafes on every corner (you never know when you'll need another Timbit doughnut hole) to the tidy walking paths linking the neighborhoods, from the parks to the ketchup-flavored potato chips.


Nice calm strike :lmao: Was this satirical mag like The Onion or something?

Matty you will not retire to any US state unless you retire as a lottery winner.


If someone expects to be active and be outdoors alot then I can understand wanting to be in a year round warm climate.

If you are planning on spending your retirement on a couch then Canada will be better than any foreign country for a Canadian citizen.

Let me guess, plommer will be doing the latter..?

I personally don't want to live in any country where I do not already hold citizenship. LOLWUT

Of course I can leave the country, I am also eligible to return ;-)

My only restriction worldwide is entering the US without a waiver.
I can hop a plane and live in any EU member country anytime.

Fuck the US, I'm not going out of my way to to get permission to visit that shithole anyway.


But I can handle cold weather, so living in a socialist place like Norway is an option.

You could also handle a cock in the mouth, but why would you want to?

Won't ever happen though, I have no desire or reason to ever leave Canada permanently. Zero.

I am very happy to be a Canadian citizen and resident. Words cannot describe how much I love it here.

You're not exactly Mike Myers or Justin Bieber, plomberg..:lmao:

It's like they are doing us a huge favour by allowing us (Canadians) in to the country to visit.

When I visited I spent money there.

I don't want to steal an Americans job, I can get my own job in Canada. I have health coverage and property in Canada, I have no desire to give up the good life in the great white north for a life on the run in the USA. The border guards seem to forget that Canada is not a 3rd world shit hole. We are not dying to get out.

You have to blame your amigos to the south of us for that one. Also you guys let a lot of al qaeda sand jiggas into your country. Can't trust you.