Breaking Bad

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I wonder if they will go into season 5 like a neat little bow has been tied on things with respect to Gus' organization. That would be consistent with the style of the show

I don't understand how you can say that. The show rarely if ever takes shortcuts like that. I fully expect Hank and the DEA to keep plugging away.
Wait - cool old guy is still being operated on right?

Cool old guy heals up, runs Gus's organization and is now their mortal enemy? hmmmmmmmmmmm

Skyler comes back 45 pounds heavier and even more retarded?

Yeah, I don't know where the show goes from here. Walt vs. Jesse is the logical conclusion, with Jesse finding out Walt didn't save Jane and/or he poisoned the little boy.

Best part last night was after Hector toyed with the DEA and the nurse brings him back to his room and scolds him, basically giving him a timeout.
Walter has been a very very bad boy.
The GF suggests that Gus has family or someone in his past who will come back to bite Walt in the ass. If you remember the scene where Don Eladio kills Gus's cook (and alleged gay lover), Eladio tells Gus that the only reason he's alive is because "I know who you are", suggesting that Gus has a powerful family or connections. Family might've disowned him for being gay or some shit, hence their absence from the show until now.

The GF is not all dumb.
I just realized that the title of the season finale was "Face Off", two words, no hyphen. Face off, get it? Get it?!?

Hi rjt. You seem to get it.
What if Mike was Gus's homosexual luvah?
Mike's no homo. TAKE IT BACK!