Been thinking alot about Cuba lately.

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Jan 27, 2010
Was going through some old photo folders I haven't looked at in a while and some of the pics got me thinking of how badly I want to go to Cuba and hookup with some of my Cuban friends:








Ya I guess if you in to ethnic bitches. Have at it.
Greatest thread ever. thanks for the pics of the pretty girls plommer.
those look like typical spics I don't get it.
Blitty, you are crazy, those girls are gorgeous. Put some pictures of havana up betplom, if you have any.
blitty and I are assholes. We can bang 6's or 7's maybe even 7.5's for free.

Plommer needs to go to Cuba in order to bang 5's.
Nice Plommer :clap:
I'd miss those friends too.
blitty and I are assholes. We can bang 6's or 7's maybe even 7.5's for free.

Plommer needs to go to Cuba in order to bang 5's.

I seriously don't agree with the statement that these girls are 5's and its very,very rare any man bangs girls for "free"
blitty and I are assholes. We can bang 6's or 7's maybe even 7.5's for free.

Plommer needs to go to Cuba in order to bang 5's.




Why does the corner of that room appear to be shat on?
that's a good point. What are some of those places?
Looks like most of the lofts and downtown/warehouse spaces in America, lots of exposed brick, very hip if you like downtown living . You can see the same thing in 1,500-3,000 a month or half million dollar lofts in any major american city. One shot was at 2:25 am and the young lady is looking at a fodors dictionary I would imagine. I have a feeling this was about price exchange or spanish for "I don't do that"

Havana and alot of Latin America supposedly has tons of classic American cars. I love seeing those old cars driving by the crashing waves of Havana, I would love to visit when people are free to vote and live the way they want to live.
I'm not a fan of exposed brick. Maybe this is just their special whoring place :dunno: The girl reading the dictionary seems to be in a good apartment.
Do you take these photos before or after you nail them?

I never knew hookers let you do this. :blush:
I love exposed brick, I was going to pay 1,900 a month, a foolish sum but I wanted to live downtown, for an a converted old textile mill condo they converted into lofts but it was actually sold to an investor. It was probably not too different than some of those old cigar factories in havana, high ceilings, tons of light,huge windows.

You see them all over the US, especially in older industrial areas like Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago ,lower east side Manhattan, there are some great ones now in Atlanta and Houston I have heard. Almost anywhere there was manufacturing. You see them in every downtown.

The ultimate bachelor pad. I just wish Havana was free, it seems like it was like Costa Rica times 100 in its heyday
Gregm you are putting too much though into this.

They are some Cuban whore in some Cuban slums
Fiveteamer, I am not claiming that betplom got these pretty young ladies to come to these rooms with him solely through his charm and wit. Cuba is a poor country and the communists have actually cracked down upon prostitution, another reason this miserable philosophy should go.

I just dont see these girls as looking like hookers in the US at all, they look like regular and very attractive girls to me, probably in a position where sex is the best way they can make money I would imagine. Cuban cigars, the food, the music, the girls, the architecture, the beaches, Cuba could be a thriving country and has tons to offer.

Its why so many writers and people like Hemingway moved to Cuba, Havana is a beautiful city and Cuba is a gorgeous country, its a shame Jorge mas canosa's vision hasn't triumphed and communism is still in place. I will say this, I would imagine betplom had much more fun in a totalitarian state without the vote like Cuba when he visited than he could have had in supposedly democratic country like the US.

I don't think cuba is as much fun to visit now though.