5 dimes live betting baylor washington

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Fat Guy decided that he was the best option to return the kick off and basically ran over his own teammate (small skinny fast guy) to field the ball. Ran about 5 yards, got bottled up but didn`t go down, then gets the ball stripped from him and neither Fat Guy or his teammates could recover it. The way Washington could move the ball, it was a pretty good chance with over two minutes to go that Washington would score and cover and give them a chance for a Hail Mary onside kick. Well at least a better chance then Fat Guy thinking he could run 80 yards for a TD off a kickoff.
Enigma, save it for tennis... will it go to deuce? bets are the best.

I think it was xpy that was with me in a thread last year during the Aussie Open where we were cleaning up. :)
Fat Guy decided that he was the best option to return the kick off and basically ran over his own teammate (small skinny fast guy) to field the ball. Ran about 5 yards, got bottled up but didn`t go down, then gets the ball stripped from him and neither Fat Guy or his teammates could recover it. The way Washington could move the ball, it was a pretty good chance with over two minutes to go that Washington would score and cover and give them a chance for a Hail Mary onside kick. Well at least a better chance then Fat Guy thinking he could run 80 yards for a TD off a kickoff.

Oh shit :lmao: :lmao:

Man he's going to be in some trouble tonight.

And ty cobra :)
and the ball fell next to fat guy and had a chance to recover it but he just lay there like if he was laying belly down at the beach didn't even attempt to get it
and the ball fell next to fat guy and had a chance to recover it but he just lay there like if he was laying belly down at the beach

oh no!!! hahahahaha

damn... can't believe i missed it
NP Oxy,

Gave me a chance to vent some on my bad beat without waking up the family! Not often you are getting 10 points, leading a game by 21 points and lose!
NP Oxy,

Gave me a chance to vent some on my bad beat without waking up the family! Not often you are getting 10 points, leading a game by 21 points and lose!

Yeah that's pretty crazy because I was watching the beginning but then things got hectic with the book so I turned it off. And I remember looking at the score at one point after and thinking that Washington was going to hammer books because it seemed a lot of people were on them (at least from what I could tell) and they had a decent lead. That's right about the time the Wash backers were making the Baylor sucks posts and gloating about their Wash winnings at RBS. Then every time the score updated after it seemed they were trading the lead for awhile. I even asked a friend if someone major had been hurt on Washington. To see them not only lose but fail to cover the 10 was pretty shocking actually.
He`s doing great RJ, thanks for asking. He had a great first Xmas with his older brother. He`s actually almost a year old now. Time flies I tell ya.
Enigma, save it for tennis... will it go to deuce? bets are the best.

I think it was xpy that was with me in a thread last year during the Aussie Open where we were cleaning up. :)
Nadal and Deuce is +EV $$$...I remember :yes: and looking forward to hitting em again this upcoming season oksy...
fat guy at the end lost it for you

yes he did

and I saw it coming

as soon as fat guy picked it up I was thinking about the fumble because when the upmen take the ball on a kickoff and try to return it, it's like 50/50 they fumble

fat guy fucked over washington bettors

still can't get over that game
getting +320 or +330 for oregon vs. wisconsin

getting burned again

0 for 2 so far, just made third bet on any other score
you gonna keep at it?
yes in the second half

0 for 4 now I think
problem is that teams feel pressure to score TDs every drive so coaches may go for it rather than try fgs

already had it happen once with wisconsin

alamo bowl all over again with the defenses unable to do much and offenses getting a TD almost every drive

no fg attempts yet
fg and a stop

i hope you had them
that one wasn't offered in live betting!

5 dimes is killing me here