Does anyone watch Around The Horn?

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Jan 27, 2010
My daily dinner viewing (which my gf refers to as the blackout hour) is Around The Horn followed by Pardon the Interruption.

Since my opinions are obviously so crucially important, I thought I should give a brief review of the ATH personalities (at least the ones I can remember off the top of my head and hopefully my spelling is close).

Tony Reali - I generally like him. He is pretty cool about things. I find some of his scoring decisions to be very controversial though. Someday a huge scandal is bound to break out and turn America on its ear.

Woody Paige - Entertaining. I am not especially in tune/agreement with his block of knowledge/opinions but I nevertheless consider him to be the star of the show.

Jay Mariotti - Guy kinda creeps me out. Is it just me?

Kevin Blackistone - good-natured, good-humored, respectable level of knowledge - enjoyable to watch

Tim Cowlishaw - also good-natured and good-humored and respectable level of knowledge and enjoyable to watch

J.A Adande - Poor guy. He just doesn't seem quite right in front of the camera. Bit of a deer-in-the-headlights vibe. Stiff. He has the most potential in terms of knowledge and ability to put together an argument. I don't think he actually is uncomfortable in front of the camera - it is just not a natural thing for him.

Bill Plaschke - A bit creepy sometimes. Not to the extent of Mariotti but somewhat. Reasonably knowledgable. Just a bit uppity. I feel like he probably spits when he talks quite a bit.

Bob Ryan - He is DA MAN. Sharp and funny and dry. The show could use more Bob Ryan IMO.

Jackie MacMullen - another one in the category of good-natured/good-humored/good knowledge/enjoyable-to-watch.

That's what I got.
I can't stand either of those shows, Muddy. Of course, I'm not one for watching much in the way of sports op-ed commentary shows. I much prefer to read about sports, and in my opinion the most articulate and insightful sports writers still in print work for Sporting News. I'll take ten minutes on the shitter with SN than a half hour in front of the tube listening to it anyday.
I like the show...when i was at the rbs bash last year I met Woody Paige in the elevator of THEhotel. I think he thought no one would recognize him and no one actually did until I said hello.
I can't stand either of those shows, Muddy. Of course, I'm not one for watching much in the way of sports op-ed commentary shows. I much prefer to read about sports, and in my opinion the most articulate and insightful sports writers still in print work for Sporting News. I'll take ten minutes on the shitter with SN than a half hour in front of the tube listening to it anyday.

I get that. But between my deteriorating brain which doesn't focus on reading very well, and the fact that I simply need something to look at when I'm eating - and the options are so limited - (the next option on my pecking order at that time is a Star trek Deep Space 9 rerun) - and the timing (5-6) is perfect because I have a nice hour after dinner to do what needs to be done before the 7 o'clock games go off - these shows work well for me.

Anyway I just plain enjoy them. Not to the extent that I would tape them if I was going to miss them - but I like them.
Now I'm chartreuse with envy over the fact that you have DS9 re-runs in Canada. Spike took them off the air last year and I feel like someone stole my security blanket. I have the DVDs, but for some reason being presented with a random episode on TV seems so much more comforting.
Muddy I watch and enjoy both shows. I like PTI much more, though. I think Kornhieser and Wlibon are both great and they have a really good chemistry on camera. Kornheiser makes me LOL pretty frequently.

As for the cast of ATH, the only real disagreement I have is with Woody Paige. I think he's a clown. Likeable, but a total clown. I actually like Mariotti more than any of them. I realize he's probably the least liked of all the commentators, but I tend to be on his side of most debates. Cowlishaw annoys the ever loving shit out of me with the open palm hand thing he does whenever he opens his mouth. Put your fucking hand down! Plus he inevitably gets choked up on a wad of phlegm during one segment of pretty much every episode. It's disgusting.
Muddy I watch and enjoy both shows. I like PTI much more, though. I think Kornhieser and Wlibon are both great and they have a really good chemistry on camera. Kornheiser makes me LOL pretty frequently.

I totally agree with that. I also like Lebatard when he is on PTI (let's see if that inspires any debate).

But no, I have been sold on PTI for years. I am more of a newcomer to ATH because there was a local show I preferred at that time but they screwed it up a little while back so I switched to ATH.
Now I'm chartreuse with envy over the fact that you have DS9 re-runs in Canada. Spike took them off the air last year and I feel like someone stole my security blanket. I have the DVDs, but for some reason being presented with a random episode on TV seems so much more comforting.

It is a good show and I always flip over during commercials and see where we are. We are currently in the arc where that awful Kai Winn is rising to power on Bajor in cahoots with Frank Langella. :madd:

It is on the local channel "Space" and they just run it over and over from Season 1 - Episode 1 right through to the end of the last season. Then they start again. It's good.
Muddy, watch for that Cowlishaw hand thing. Once it gets on radar your, it's hard to ignore.
Yes I will monitor both the hand and the phlegm.
Sometimes I see those shows and I think how silly and obsessive people have become over sports. I was a huge sports fan growing up. However, the longer I bet sports, the more I realize how boring and useless sports really are. I must be getting old.

I've seen every dunk, countless last second shots, bobbling interceptions and touchdowns, etc. Nothing about sports is really exciting any more.
You need to watch more WNBA, MF.
LOL. I'll have to try that. Hopefully, it's nearly as entertaining as the women's NIT.
Sometimes I see those shows and I think how silly and obsessive people have become over sports. I was a huge sports fan growing up. However, the longer I bet sports, the more I realize how boring and useless sports really are. I must be getting old.

I've seen every dunk, countless last second shots, bobbling interceptions and touchdowns, etc. Nothing about sports is really exciting any more.

I am the same in that I have lost the pure passion for sports that I once had. I am completely un-obsessed - and that's a large part of why I watch those shows. They are a last connection for me to what is really going on. Without them, I think it would not be long before I would lose track of everything and it would all just be a jumble of nameless faceless stats.

But I get some laughs too.
Sometimes I see those shows and I think how silly and obsessive people have become over sports. I was a huge sports fan growing up. However, the longer I bet sports, the more I realize how boring and useless sports really are. I must be getting old.

I've seen every dunk, countless last second shots, bobbling interceptions and touchdowns, etc. Nothing about sports is really exciting any more.

I feel the same in a lot of ways. I think sports are primarily for kids. Once you get older it loses meaning. I enjoy watching replays of games that happened when I was a kid more than live ones.
Don't you guys still love YOUR teams though? I'll admit that I don't really care too much about sports in general. I can watch some tournament and playoff games and be entertained, but regular season games between teams I don't care about don't interest me that much.

When it comes to MY teams though, I'm still obsessed. I know as much as anybody in the world (not employed by a team or publication) about UVA football/basketball, the Atlanta Braves and the Washington Redskins. I'm on those sites and boards daily scouring the latest news. I DVR and watch every single one of those teams' games every single year, and probably always will.
I don't have any teams any more. Sports betting took fanhood away a long time ago. I can't root for a team I have money against. Also, when I went to Wisconsin, I knew most of the football team. Since I don't know any of the players today, I really couldn't care less how they do.
I grew up in Denver. I was such a big fan of the Nuggets especially. Used to listen to them on the radio every game. (they only televised a few games a year). Now I maybe watch 1 game a year.
I'll watch the Broncos but don't care nearly as much as I used to. I so would have preferred they won one in the 80's.
Man, I so wanted us to have a hockey or baseball team back then.

So I think it's an interesting question. I guess I would consider my teams the ones I grew up watching. Like the Nuggets with Alex English and Mike Evans and all those other guys back then. Just because they still have the same name doesn't make them the same team to me.