Final Video

this is ridiculous.

How so exactly?

I would like to discuss this on a mature level if you are up to it? I'm seriously stunned and sadden!

Maybe we should go to chat to talk privately?
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How so exactly?

I would like to discuss this on a mature level if you are up to it? I'm seriously stunned and sadden!

my chat with Casper:

just saw it
dude are you ok?



It is all an act. Teela messaged me on Facebook and said to make the video
I am done with Gamelive though

you have issues man

I am a pretty good actor
It worked just like I knew it would.

Caligirl, this was the plan the whole time.

Teela wouldn't talk to me to save my

I put this video up to see if you would choose your new life on Gamelive over a real friendship with me.

You made your
Wow! So CGNJ we were being played? Unreal, I'm such s softie!
Oh by the way, thanks for the deletion on Facebook. Guys, enjoy. She TRULY is Gamelive I'll see you down the road.
Wow! So CGNJ we were being played? Unreal, I'm such s softie!

Monkey, no being played.

How many videos did JJ do about quitting?

It wasn't even that original or good, my video.

Hell after the shit I have seen on these sites, you think I would give up on you guys after a chick I met online 3 weeks ago?
Please, I may be thin skinned at times, but always come back home.
Please, I may be thin skinned at times, but always come back home.

Please come back any time you like or better yet possibly don't leave? :dunno:
Please come back any time you like or better yet possibly don't leave? :dunno:

Monkey. I was (am) taking a break. A lot of drama (most caused by my posts). I need to get focused on funny stuff and sports again. My head hurts from all I tought this video was perfect. Matty said we do things in fun here. Well I made a video that deserves an Oscar. After leaving NY, does ANYONE think a little shit talking on here would get me sad? Mad or frustrated, yes, but Please. My stepfather hung himself in my house when I was 12. The LAST thing I would ever do is be so upset about an internet thing that I would do anything drastic.
There should be a law making much of what goes on at Gamelive a Criminal Offense

Typical answer from a young girl.

i had written more, trust me. but deleted it and figured the internet eye rolling of saying "whatever" summed it all up. I'm taking the higher road that way. no point in getting in a pissing contest with you over which of your antics both on and off game live were real and which were this so called "character".
Casper, we really don't know :dunno: you're all over the place.
Monkey. I was (am) taking a break. A lot of drama (most caused by my posts). I need to get focused on funny stuff and sports again. My head hurts from all I tought this video was perfect. Matty said we do things in fun here. Well I made a video that deserves an Oscar. After leaving NY, does ANYONE think a little shit talking on here would get me sad? Mad or frustrated, yes, but Please. My stepfather hung himself in my house when I was 12. The LAST thing I would ever do is be so upset about an internet thing that I would do anything drastic.

There's a quote that i'm going to paraphrase because I don't recall how it exactly goes:

To Quit smoking is the easiest thing i've done. I've done it hundreds of times.

Meaning, every time you put down a cig you quit. well just because you leave to run errands, then get back on Gamelive, that's not a break (as an example). I have yet to see this break.
Casper, we really don't know :dunno: you're all over the place.

exactly. i don't need to leave an explanation of my end. Casper, you're doing a fine job on your own.
i had written more, trust me. but deleted it and figured the internet eye rolling of saying "whatever" summed it all up. I'm taking the higher road that way. no point in getting in a pissing contest with you over which of your antics both on and off game live were real and which were this so called "character".

You are taking the high Please kiddo. Just walk away from this thread. If you want to get into a pissing contest, bring it on. Obviously, you need Gamelive more than I do. Evident by the amount you post and the actions you take to make yourself look like some kind of hero.