What does rbs standfor?

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"sbr" is unmentionable.
wait wait rbs and SBR are the same thing?? whoa, all day i was here and i never made that connection....

maybe i woulda if i never read shanty's thread
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they should rename is NWP--Niggas With Puppets! Just kidding, i just couldn't figgur out how to get the NWP reference in there.
I came up with this term. RBS, I coined it a couple weeks ago in an SBR thread and now everyone is using it. It could stand for a lot of things. Maybe that SBR is mixed up, or R BS, etc...
I thought it stood for Royal Bank of Scotland
I came up with this term. RBS, I coined it a couple weeks ago in an SBR thread and now everyone is using it. It could stand for a lot of things. Maybe that SBR is mixed up, or R BS, etc...

to keep more "SBR" bandwidth off the internet i suppose.