People who look better fat

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Jan 28, 2010
Jonah Hill


I have an initial tendency to prefer what I am used to seeing - which would be the first pic - but when I step back, clear my mind and really look at it, he looks quite a bit better in pic #2 IMO.

Now he does a lot of comedy and perhaps he looks funnier in pic #1, but that is not really complimentary.
I have an initial tendency to prefer what I am used to seeing - which would be the first pic - but when I step back, clear my mind and really look at it, he looks quite a bit better in pic #2 IMO.

Now he does a lot of comedy and perhaps he looks funnier in pic #1, but that is not really complimentary.

I agree with this. I think we all subconsciously prefer what our mind conjurs up when you think Jonah Hill, the fat guy. But after getting over the shock of drastic weight loss I think he just fine this way too.
Skinny Jonah reminds me of Fiveteamer.

Matty its like hes so skinny now that his head is a disproportionaite size to his body in that RHS pic...
As the owner of a giant fucking head myself, I sympathize.
I always thought Al Roker looked better fat
oh, he got skinny. My first thought was how did he get so fat so fast? Interesting that he stands like a fat ass still, toes out. Wonder why that is.
oh, he got skinny. My first thought was how did he get so fat so fast? Interesting that he stands like a fat ass still, toes out. Wonder why that is.

Huge balls probably preventing him from pointing his toes in.

Toes in = squished testicles.
As the owner of a giant fucking head myself, I sympathize.

I would like to add my voice to this cause.

Large fucking noggins unite!
drew carey?
Saw a preview for new Jonah Hill movie and it's the fat version. Losing weight was a bad career move. Skinny and disturbing-looking Jonah can't pull off these fat guy goofy comedy roles.
Saw a preview for new Jonah Hill movie and it's the fat version. Losing weight was a bad career move. Skinny and disturbing-looking Jonah can't pull off these fat guy goofy comedy roles.

If his career takes a nosedive he will gain the weight back. Much easier to put the weight on than lose it.
His career is clearly more important than the risk of dying at any moment of a heart attack. Where are this guy's priorities?
Cocaine is a helluva drug.