Must suck to never let sunlight into your home

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Jan 27, 2010
Hells Angels chapter president lives near me. I pass his place often, 'bout a half dozen times each week the past couple years. I notice the curtains are always drawn in every room facing the front of the house. Doesn't matter what time of day I pass, curtains are drawn.

I'm thinking he doesn't want to give a rival a clear shot as he's sitting there watching tv or eating meals. :light:
that would suck

Is that an "Iced Cap" in your greasy Canadian hand (In your avatar)?

Is that an "Iced Cap" in your greasy Canadian hand (In your avatar)?

Indeed it is, Plommer! Perfect beverage when it's 100 in the shade. No less than four of them/day in this heat wave we're going through.
You don't know how many times I wish I could just escape the sunlight here. The sun beating in your eyes every day without a cloud in sight really gets annoying after a while.
You don't know how many times I wish I could just escape the sunlight here. The sun beating in your eyes every day without a cloud in sight really gets annoying after a while.

Yeah too much is annoying. And many places you can't find decent shade. A few years ago I became very sensitive to direct sunlight until I started loading up on vitamin D.
You don't know how many times I wish I could just escape the sunlight here. The sun beating in your eyes every day without a cloud in sight really gets annoying after a while.

God I fukin WISH I COULD LIVE IN VEGAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who cares about sunlight and heat??? In the daytime you stay inside do your capping and betting, and then at night you go INSIDE TO THE CASINOS AND HANG OUT WITH TOURISTS WHO ARE PARTYING!!!!!!!!!!!

MY GOD it seems TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can pretty much party with and get laid with an ENDLESS STREAM OF MIDDLE AMERICAN TRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how much that is my DREAM!

I am not into fake boobs and shaved twats and plastic surgery and all of that, but there are still meaty middle Americans with large voluptuous bodies and doofy faces who go to Vegas to party.

Last time I was in Vegas I swear I got in on a Sunday night to a hotel in downtown Vegas and I had nothing to do so I went to the first local bar on the corner I saw, the one with the huge guinness glass.

And in there there was no one except for this group of like 5 extremely wasted chubby rich 22-year-old chicks from Hermosa Beach california or something like that.

It was just me, this nice-ish female bartender who used to be a Mormon, and these chicks.

I was like DAMN Vegas REALLY IS just like fukin walking into Heaven!!!

I would be a suicide bomber if I knew that in my afterlife I could spend every day in bars with groups of wasted chubby Hermosa Beach chicks.

I didn't actually talk to the chicks. They were pretty insular and didn't notice me and I felt extra sleazy because I had a moustache at the time.

My strategy was just to make friends with the bartender and make her laugh and like me, and then try to make the chicks notice and get in our conversation.

I did wind up making fast friends with the bartender, but the chicks didn't care and they never paid me any notice and eventually left, I think I heard them saying they were going to meet up with some guys they came with at their hotel.

But if you go out in Vegas 4 nights a week and don't give a fuk I mean my God, you're gonna score big-time at least once a week right??

I WANT TO MOVE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good say, pal.
pally I was going to tell you to calm down but your story was so cool that I figured I'd just shut up
pally I was going to tell you to calm down but your story was so cool that I figured I'd just shut up
Yet you still say something.

English must be your 2nd language, eh?
LOL. Touch, pally. There are certainly advantages to living here.
LOL. Touch, pally. There are certainly advantages to living here.

You guys are referring to all the pussy you can handle from Wisconsin tourists aren't you?
You guys are referring to all the pussy you can handle from Wisconsin tourists aren't you?

Yes, amongst the throngs of Canadian pussy that make their way here. From what I've experienced, Canadian chicks get sloppy drunk and horny just as well as Wisconsin chicks.
Yet you still say something.

English must be your 2nd language, eh?

plommer I'm sure there is a Greyhound station pretty close to your house plommer. plommer if you keep riding me I will show up at your house and ask to tail your winners for a month and sleep on your couch plommer


plommer im spiralling out of control. plommer PITT lost to make it 8 in row i need a winner plommer
plommer I'm sure there is a Greyhound station pretty close to your house plommer. plommer if you keep riding me I will show up at your house and ask to tail your winners for a month and sleep on your couch plommer


plommer im spiralling out of control. plommer PITT lost to make it 8 in row i need a winner plommer

The nearest Greyhound station is 25 kms from me. You are welcome on my couch pal but I warn you its hot here in Toronto, I doubt you could handle the heat.

You want a winner? Just fade 20four7's next posted play.

You're welcome, pal.
Pally, simply wow
plommer that's funny pal I guess you haven't heard that I live in a fucking swamp pal

south florida you cunt.

my mornings are hotter than your worst, scalding afternoon son

plommer i like the 20Four7 strategy
plommer that's funny pal I guess you haven't heard that I live in a fucking swamp pal

south florida you cunt.

my mornings are hotter than your worst, scalding afternoon son

plommer i like the 20Four7 strategy

Daffaaaaaay! It's fucking hot here right now pal, temps in the 90's with humidity making it feel like 100f.

Good thing our summers only last a few weeks before the ice and snow returns.

I'm looking forward to Lake Ontario freezing over in the next couple of months so I can skate across to Rochester.