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New Yorker cartoon about Mad Men. Kinda lame. :clueless:

The Don cartoon doesn't look like Don much at all.
You gotta do better than that up in the NYC.
have blown through 8 eps. of Bloodlines in the last 2 days... good shit... i definitely recommend
Chewbacca appears to have a pig snout inside his mouth.
No but seriously man, there is some actor in the background (I think it's Oscar Isaacs representing A Most Violent Year?) Anyway he's babbling away in some vapid interview, and he just said that acting is like a tennis match - you're only as good as the person you're playing with.

What a terrible comparison.
Louie is as delicious as ever. :10:
Got the first 2 downloaded. Prolly get to them this evening.
I lol'd so hard at the beings from other planets bit
Yes, the bit about aliens was a, t, a.
Seriously though, in what universe is tennis a game where you're only as good as who you're playing with? There can be a vast difference in skill between people on a tennis court.

Why do people say shit?
I understand the tennis analogy. It's not totally crazy.

Playing racquet sports, your opponent's skill level does affect how you play. A less competent player will bring down your own level of play, in part because your shitty opponent is even less predictable than a good one would be. You're taken out of your comfort zone as someone who typically plays against much better players.

I can understand how that would also apply to acting.
Does not match my experience.

If he said that always playing with someone slightly better than you is a good way to improve ---> that, I would buy.

But tennis players at different levels where one just stomps all the fuck over the other ----> happened all the time in my cutthroat, tennis-to-the-death past.
They just killed off Patrick Duffy's "Mcdreamy" character on Grey's Anatomy.

Wow. Just wow.
The woman watches it. It's terrible.
The woman watches it. It's terrible.
Has she watched tonight's episode yet?

Odds of her crying -300