I Covet Not Hearing Human Voices

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value in all things
May 24, 2011
Love the sense of hearing but most people I know are so crass or harsh in their speech.

Have the ability for quite a few days to not be able to hear any human voice.

Have playlists of boundless music that is just instrumental...it echoes off the ceilings and is majestic...

Sporting events I just go to closed caption or update on mobile devices..

So blessed in this...

Have good day
Get a workout brah
Get a workout brah

Dont follow....please explain....I exercise three times a day to stretch and not stagnate at the home office...I go out with headphones on ten steps before I even leave the house...I do not take them off for anything short of police intervention
Bicep curl
Bent over row
Calf raises, last 2 sets elevated
Headed back for cardio round 2 now
Cardio is a necessary evil
U need to get laid and/or find love
I have looked inward for satisfaction and found it. Reduced over head to the point that if I lose one or even most of my clients then my affairs are still taken care of.

Used to love talking to women, going to coffee shops and cafes with them but find it just drab now. No interest in pursuing a relationship and the pro route does not produce the proper bang for the buck ratio.

There are rows of streets near me that are off the beaten path...I take a chance and remove my headphones on my walks under the canopy of trees to hear the sounds of nature....

I know how to trigger dopamine but dont want the dependence on that rush....

If I want to feel good then I fast for those chemicals to dance in my brain...

How you doing eggs/bacon .......I like waffles
Doing alright.

Hung out with this very cool woman, I'm not sure how much she likes me but I'm into her. She's very beautiful and lightning quick. I wish she didn't smoke, though she only party smokes. My issue with that is I'll start doing it too, then I'll die. Overall I think she could be very good for me, but that decision is on her and I accept that. If she gives me the kibosh I have other options but I would immediately drop them all for her. Had a great time drinking with her, a little kissing. I could tell right off the bat this one would be deep or nothing so I didn't sleep with her, because she could mean too much. I was a little rude when I was drunk and I feel like that, I think she can tell I didn't mean it though. Whether I'm for her or not the entire experience has been deeply inspiring, I'm going to write a song about her at some point. I'm thinking a southern rock thing even though she hates southern rock. Whatever, they're my guitars man.

Really surprised myself with that workout this morning. It hurt. Banged out pushups before the whole thing too man.

I have a lot of adulting to do the next few weeks, I'm moving into a new place, I'll post pictures when I'm in there. It's awesome and I'll be like a block down from my friend/coach and his family, the whole thing is very exciting.

I need to get a bike lock today and organize my poker schedule for the week. Maybe some poker but I haven't decided.

Didn't do the waffles, had a hard boiled egg, a little bread and some cranberry juice. Had hard boiled because they were out of scrambled.

I have a shitload of parking tickets to pay, man. What the fuck. But hey, at least it wasn't towed.

Bought bigbearpowerpoker.com as a side thing, nothing on it yet. Do you do web design?

Tournament coming up I qualified for that I'm nervous about. It's not that big but the overlay is so friendly I feel like there is no excuse for me not to cash. I'm going to do everything I can to be prepared for it, I haven't played a serious tournament in a very long time.

I don't agree that you've found satisfaction inward mainly because

you haven't

How's the ex?
Congrats on Bigbearpoker.....could always market it as some sort of alternative hookup site for men if the cards do not work out...

I do content....Wordpress...SEO...graphics and such but almost always through the Word press engine......

Used to be a beast on stars and party poker.....learned poker by playing limit ohama high lo and then went PLO8 and PLO until Black Monday...then it just became pointless.....

I slammed the door on the ex... last time we talked was a month ago...light hearted banter and she admitted that I was right that she finds happy situations and then just cant be happy anymore....she is engaged and I am happy for her....then she invited me for lunch...

this invite and in the same conversation saying how she is grateful that this guy loves and adores her so much...I then just knew there is no loyalty in her...I blasted her for saying how hurt he would be if he knew this (he goes apeshit even if he sees my name in conjuction with hers) and that this would be the reason why I dont trust her and could never touch her again....

after that...I have been progressing well on the personal front...

NLH....all trapping and such...if you are at work and need to watch stuff...twitch has live streams of people MTTing on Stars...there is one called Tonkaaaa.....he is entertaining, from Toronto, plays higher stakes tourneys on Stars and explains his thought process...he is at WSOP now and I can not watch since I avoid speech these days

happy to hear you are plowing ahead with goals and hopefully this woman

Congrats on Bigbearpoker.....could always market it as some sort of alternative hookup site for men if the cards do not work out...


Actually big bear poker is taken, I'm big bear power poker.
Your ex sounds like a fucking asshole, and not the kind I like.

Gl to you as well, I'll keep you posted on things.

Dude -