Friday Frolic: Betty Blowtorch

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Feb 1, 2010
Formerly Butt Trumpet:

Watched a documentary on them yesterday. Never heard of them before. Not my cup of tea as far as music goes but when you hear some of the back stories about why some of the songs came about it sheds a new light on them. There is one I didn't post called "Get Off" and it was a song about incest suffered at the hands of her stepdad.
I never heard of her before this. I gather she's dead now??

Not sure what to make of it. I have only taken a quick skim of the material. My initial superficial reaction is it wants a lot of credit for being shocking. Whether it is music or movies or people on forums, that doesn't work for me. I need actual artistry to impress me, not just saying naughty words. What you are saying Wal about the stories behind the music is intriguing. Maybe if I knew more about that I could appreciate it better - although it wouldn't help the melodies which are somewhere between weak and non-existent.

Overall it does not seem like my cup of tea - but I doubt people who use expressions like "my cup of tea" are the target demographic.
Well Muddy the background stories vary.

In Strung Out apparently the girls in the band and especially Bianka and Blaire really like kok. They go so far as to admit being addicted to kok and this is their storie.

In I Like Big Dicks it reveals that the ladies while addicted to kok will not screw anything less that a big kok.

Actually thee was a lot of talk about kok's now that I think about it.

I prefered the original band name, Butt Trumpet. I don't really know if one would blow into a butt and get a trumpet sound or if someone could actually blow a trmpet with their butt. The story behind the name of that band was sadly never revealed.
Yeah it leads me again to the impression that they are mainly aiming to be shocking and they want a lot of credit for saying naughty words - but there is very limited talent. They remind me of devilwoman who posted here a little bit. She wanted so badly to shock someone. No style, no humor, no wit - just forced references to sex stuff and bodily functions. Maybe she has gone on to shock somebody somewhere. I don't know.

I agree that Butt Trumpet is a better name.
Butt Trumpet is good...refers to flatulation if memory serves.
"Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet", 29 letters.