Does Canadian Olympic

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reno cool

Fuck You Mocha Joe
Jan 29, 2010
broadcast suck as bad as the US's?
Do you guys get the sob stories of inspiration about every lousy athlete? Where instead they could spend that time actually showing an event. Is your broadcast too heavy on the commercials and the hometown "heroes"? Or do they generally show the full events and shut the fuck up?
I find the US attitude is: Nobody wants to see this shit, so we'd better hype it up with a bunch of useless drama and patriotism. I already noticed they don't intend to show all the hockey games.
broadcast suck as bad as the US's?
Do you guys get the sob stories of inspiration about every lousy athlete? Where instead they could spend that time actually showing an event. Is your broadcast too heavy on the commercials and the hometown "heroes"? Or do they generally show the full events and shut the fuck up?
I find the US attitude is: Nobody wants to see this shit, so we'd better hype it up with a bunch of useless drama and patriotism. I already noticed they don't intend to show all the hockey games.

Reno, we get both US and Canadian network coverage up here.

I agree with your description of the US broadcasts, they are mostly unwatchable and I have a strong preference for the Canadian channels.

One big difference is that we have to endure far less commercials on the Canadian broadcasts.
I'm looking forward to the Olympics, particularly the hockey. We get to see no international hockey at all here. But I'm a little afraid they will screw me somehow. Probably by showing some hype piece of somebodies sick grandma instead of a live hockey game. And I'm liable to blow a gasket.
I'm expecting some sharp picks on curling, cross country and the biathlon from our Canadian contingent.
Canadian broadcast are slightly better but I agree with your overall assessment. I want to watch events not how some person gave up everything for their dream of winning gold..... At least this time Canada is spending money to win something unlike years ago when my good friend went to represent Canada and he had to pay his own way there to represent his country. It was the commonwealth games not the Olympics but WTF.
Setting aside all the external bells and whistles of athlete profiles and whatnot, Canadian broadcasts have been WAY better than the US ones in recent Olympics.

The main reason is the most practical one of all: the US networks lag way behind in reporting results.

They don't tell you what is happening. They save stuff for their primetime shows. They don't even give live results and say they will show how it happened later. They act like it's just happening when they are showing it even though the results have been on the internet (and Canadian coverage) for 8 hours. It has been ridiculous, even a bit insulting sometimes. It's like they think they're fooling people or something ???

It shouldn't be so bad in Vancouver because the time zone is pretty harmonious with US TV. But some of the stuff from China and Australia and Italy etc. was pathetic.