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  1. Ask Dimebag a question *the internet legend series Pt1*

    When Im not riding the bus Im chewing gum, kicking ass, and answering life's riddles one at a time. Please feel free to ask me anything.
  2. which one of you douchebags wants a smack down?

    I just cashed in some miles from Greyhound and I can go anywhere in the US for free. My bags are packed who wants some?
  3. Do you miss getting laid?

    Because by the look of the thread titles on here in DouchebagLive Im guessing you guys arent getting much action.
  4. the official call a moderator a nigga thread

    ..and can one of you niggas please tell me what the hell SBR points are good for? Bread, you look like just the nigga for the job, could you break it down for a palefaced patrami eating motherfucker like myself?
  5. Supporting our troops

    I hear people talking about it, and some people claim to be more adamant in their beliefs/level of support than others, but what does it exactly entail and do you get the shirt for free if you do it on a regular basis?
  6. Anyone else have a tick?

    It's ok to talk about the elephant in the room, personally I'm sick at everyone staring at me because of mine.
  7. Gamelive....

    ..just llost the best poster it ever had .Go fuck yourself mods
  8. My thoughts on

    Ok good group, the flowers are on the main page fucking rock regardless of what everyone across the interweb is saying about them. Everyone here swears and apparently also bet on sports but seem to hold up some kind of strict moral code that doesnt allow you to enjoy fake boobies or cornholing...