Marty - thanks for driving IAG away!

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Why weren't they disappointed when all that banal homely nonsense was splashed all over for months and turned gamelive into a woman's knitting club?

you ask them vagabond, you ask them

I believe that the birth of some GL babies fostered a temporary overall feeling of well being and estrogen around here.

Now that we are into our 3rd trimester of winter, I assume that tempers are for the most part at a breaking point. It was above the freezing point here today and there is supposed to be a big rain storm heading into Southern Ontario...

Look out plommay, it is supposed to be bad in Windsor.

Matty that is just unfair.

Some good has come out of this -

The subtle yet very aggressive emergence of one

I almost played Celsius +7 but could not pull the plug.
She's used to Americans NOT showing up to work, who can blame her? Probably wanted cash so he can stay on the gov payroll.

You have official moved into top 3 dumbest gambling forum posters. Congrats.
I think kato and Cougar are right, the minute this stuff starts getting to you, you should prolly leave.

To me this forum was always part creative writing exercise, part outlet for my most despicable traits, part forum for ways to make money on the side. I've always tolerated the mindless sports betting stuff since it's vaguely related to making money (yet not really.)

It's become a shitty AOL chat room.

This forum is a scam. Be careful before it costs you money.
ouch. Especially coming from someone with a post total of....1
You have official moved into top 3 dumbest gambling forum posters. Congrats.

That's some rare air. Means a lot from a one-post wonder.
This forum is a scam. Be careful before it costs you money.

Thanks for the warning lassoballs. You're A-ok in my book.
You find out who your friends are at a time like this. I am so disillusioned with this place. Mostly one person. And was you BACON whose posts I was referring to as being worse than mine...with all your "HEY IAG" "YO IAG" blah blah. Sober up and look at the replies and see that I think in the last 50 threads I started there were 22 with over 300 the same for yourself...what are there...5? So don't blame the may not like them but ignore. I know that many don't care for your "drivel."

Also, if you have to bully your gf/finance into not being friends with someone you really must be threatened. Cami...I expected more from you.

5 TEAMER...check again.. you replied to like 5 of my threads in the last week or two...not my fault you don't pay attention to your surroundings.

There's more. I just need organization. PLOMMER, SHDW, ARCHIE,MONKEY, SHDW....AND anyone else who has any balls in this place, thank you for the support. I loved all of you...and had a soft spot in my heart for Matty actually.'re off the island.
Hey no big deal.

Just keep the distractions away from our household and I'm cool. That includes packages.
I'm confused......Bacon is a chick too?
Hey I didn't do anything. I tried to stay out of it.

Is this real life?