how may friends do you have

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He is truly one of a kind, that Bert.
I've also known a couple of guys named Bart, short version of Bartholomew.

My buddy Garney died a few years ago in Hamilton. Still know a dude named Gurney, biggest fukkin mush ever.
what a depressing thread
Why, because of Pauperguy?

He makes people paupers. You just have to accept it.
yeah Cali those 700 friends you have may not be that close and reliable :dunno:
714. i think 14 are reliable.
Even the kids on Friends, even though there were 6 of them, only had 1 or 2 really trusted friends each

They were all in jaunty good humor when we were watching but as soon as the cameras were off they were all like, "Fuck you," and, "Fuck that guy."
Even the kids on Friends, even though there were 6 of them, only had 1 or 2 really trusted friends each

They were all in jaunty good humor when we were watching but as soon as the cameras were off they were all like, "Fuck you," and, "Fuck that guy."

Say it isn't so.
I would say 3-5 outside of family who are definites (I could call for most anything at any time) and 5=10 mid level friends that would lend emotional support regarding anything, and then a lot of used to be friends who are more like acquaintenances now. Ironically all my now closest friends are guys. Maybe that's not ironic. In any case, it takes a lot of work to maintain friendships. If you are marrying and having kids later than your friends (or not at all,) then you will find yourself in a weird place unless are really into kid's birthday parties and soccer games. It is far better to have 2-3 true friends than a host of marginal ones. How many of your fb friends could tell you when your birthday if asked? Sounds trite, but I think that is a pretty good test.
Now I'm worried about my comment about Friends being misconstrued. I watched Friends when it started but I didn't last long. Kinda hate Friends.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to spread some dishy Hollywood gossip with my post about how the actors feel about each other. Don't know, don't care about that.

I was attempting more of a satirical angle, perhaps indicating the absurdity of someone who might base their expectation of a proper friend situation on fictional characters on a network sitcom - as can happen in our society. People take ridiculous shit to heart.

Not saying anyone here was doing that, just trying to be witty and hilarious.

Okay, carry on.
Now I'm worried about my comment about Friends being misconstrued. I watched Friends when it started but I didn't last long. Kinda hate Friends.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to spread some dishy Hollywood gossip with my post about how the actors feel about each other. Don't know, don't care about that.

I was attempting more of a satirical angle, perhaps indicating the absurdity of someone who might base their expectation of a proper friend situation on fictional characters on a network sitcom - as can happen in our society. People take ridiculous shit to heart.

Not saying anyone here was doing that, just trying to be witty and hilarious.

Okay, carry on.
I hope you are not "Now" kind of worried" based on my flippant "say it isn't so" comment which was just a sarcastic just waking up response. I really don't put much thought into the social dynamics of a sit-com before noon.
No it's like people who grow to hate Christmas or be very depressed about it, because they have normal flawed families that don't measure up to the lovey-dovey, outstanding-communicating, everyone-is-there-for-each-other-in-every-way stuff they see on The Waltons Christmas or whatever.

Sounds almost ridiculous to say it out loud but it really does happen. Lord knows girls become anorexic - sometimes even killing themselves - because they compare themselves and base their expectations on idealized media images.

I don't want people at gamelive killing themselves because they feel they have nothing that measures up to Joey/Chandler. I don't want that.

I was making brilliant, caring social commentary.

No it's like people who grow to hate Christmas or be very depressed about it, because they have normal flawed families that don't measure up to the lovey-dovey, outstanding-communicating, everyone-is-there-for-each-other-in-every-way stuff they see on The Waltons Christmas or whatever.

Sounds almost ridiculous to say it out loud but it really does happen. Lord knows girls become anorexic - sometimes even killing themselves - because they compare themselves and base their expectations on idealized media images.

I don't want people at gamelive killing themselves because they feel they have nothing that measures up to Joey/Chandler. I don't want that.

I was making brilliant, caring social commentary.

I see. Although I think this is the post with the brilliant, caring social commentary. (I mean yours above...a little more clear) I see what you mean. I however hate Christmas even though I have quite fond Christmas memories from when I was a child. Now I hate it cuz it can't measure up to my own childhood Christmases when I was young and not jaded. The commercialization of Christmas pisses me off I actually refuse to participate in gift giving anymore. I don't want or need anything. I don't want to worry about buying stuff for family members who don't want or need anything. Malls, Black gets me all worked up just talking about it. I realize this has no relevance whatsoever to this thread but I'm seeing Christmas stuff in the stores now and it irks me to no end. Now Thanksgiving....there's a holiday. End of unrelated rant.
You are younger so you will have more close friends at your age. After moving to Colorado after college I lost touch with many close friends. Of course in this day and age that is less likely to happen and you have a better chance of keeping in touch. But as friends marry, have kids etc you will inevitably drift apart...some more than others. Not to say you can't keep them but you have to work on it.

In tandem with what MC said, life is not Sex and the City.

Incidently 2/3 of my now bestest friends I met at the Rx.
Friends and Family

what it is all about