HUGH interview tomorrow.

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Jan 27, 2010
Matty knows where it is. Probably not because he forgets most everything I tell him.

Boys wish me luck, I need this badly.

One time.
good luck on your interview Fiver....

don't be the in one ear out the other kinda friend. CARE for Fiver and his needs
Fiver prepare some questions to ask the interviewer about their company.... make sure you know exactly what they type of language they use in their mission statement ect.
bless your interview and coming suksex
best of luck fiver
Good luck Fiver. Just remember to give this look on the way in and the rest is gravy:
good point stevie...


minimiize rape face and cupping your hands in front of your face. Try to abstain from straddling 30 inch round logs
Matty knows where it is. Probably not because he forgets most everything I tell him.

Too much dangerous illegal drugs.

I remember and I know where it is - break a leg, get your earrings back, etc.

Don't mention the fixation on analingus. Save that story for onboarding day. :up:

don't be the in one ear out the other kinda friend. CARE for Fiver and his needs

I care about Fiver. I just have a busy mind.

I know you do. I know you do

but we as a forum know fiver as much as any forum has known a poster. (thank you emotional oversharing) we know his NEEDS and insecurities......

I guess what I'm saying. is "Step up your Caring GAME"

you should have sent a text message encouraging him.... or a send a ball, or few flowers.

Fiver NEEDS you now.

don't let us or him down now
You do get boring.

Fiver, if you do well tomorrow - one full year of Internet clown porn on my tab.
I meant that from the heart.

I freely admit that i'm boring... I'm the most boring poster on this board.

it does get boring for me to be able to get under anyone and everyone's skin. yet no one has figured out how to get under mine yet. Boring and annoying yet thick skinned=some kinda poster


seriously though. Boring or Not..... shoot the dude a text message

Fiver, send me your number. I'll send ya an encouraging text the morning of the interview pal

Good luck Fiver! :up:

In most cases people would advise you to just be yourself, but in your case I would say act like someone else! The same advice I would give myself! Love ya! :yes:
Amateur Psychology 101 here but there are several posters who are very resilient to being rattled or allowing someone to get under their skin.

Bread for instance is very difficult but it’s because he has adapted a very jovial approach to posting and I assume life in general. He has an uncanny ability to brush everything off as an experience in growth. Sure some things bother him but they tend to annoy him more along the lines of their insane idiocy more than a person affront. Plus if I want a punchline I’m sure being plastered most of the time helps things even insulting in nature seem funny on the surface.

Now Arch is a different story. Arch is detached. He has the ability to not allow himself any emotional attachment what-so-ever to these boards. Oh sure he may very well be addicted to them but his addiction is more due to a mind that is in continuous need of stimulation and the forums offer that stimulant. Add to this the fact that Archie probably views the majority of the posters as inferior intellectually.

Now we all know I sometimes word things differently than the intent so these are speculative observations.