Big Boys Club

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day 1 at the gym
messed up my shoulder out jogging late at night, fell like an old man diving to home, only had a few scrapes and cuts from the concrete, cleaned them up and disinfected it but by the morning my shoulder was unusable, couldn't even lift to type at keyboard height, for two days I barely could move the arm, was swollen a bit, my first old man fall
Shoulder pain is a bitch. Get some naproxen brah.
messed up my shoulder out jogging late at night, fell like an old man diving to home, only had a few scrapes and cuts from the concrete, cleaned them up and disinfected it but by the morning my shoulder was unusable, couldn't even lift to type at keyboard height, for two days I barely could move the arm, was swollen a bit, my first old man fall
Ugh, hope this heals up quick my man, lingering old man pain is a bitch.
Next stage
Help I fallen and can’t get up!!!
Get well soon
33 mins 33 secs run on treadmill with incline 1.0-2.0

3.4 miles
messed up my shoulder out jogging late at night, fell like an old man diving to home, only had a few scrapes and cuts from the concrete, cleaned them up and disinfected it but by the morning my shoulder was unusable, couldn't even lift to type at keyboard height, for two days I barely could move the arm, was swollen a bit, my first old man fall

ouch. feel better. don't keep it immobile. move in pain tolerable ranges of motion standing, laying flat, laying on side with hurt shoulder side up.
this be me path in 2 months.

finishing in CU's football stadium. coach prime will see my kick and try to see if I have eligibility to starter at corner for the buffalos .


watch out steve(s)